Heres the poem I wrote and read at the memorial yesterday for - TopicsExpress


Heres the poem I wrote and read at the memorial yesterday for those of you who wanted a copy, I wrote it almost 15 years as a subtle reminder to Frank that all we ever really wanted was a simple life that afforded us time to play, The Castle A boy and his dad sat high on a hill, Viewing their castle in the valley so still. The dad said, “Now boy, I have something to say. Listen closely for you’ll be in my place someday. I’ll tell you my secrets. I’ll share my own plan. Of how I grew from a boy to a man, And gave to my family, my kids and my wife The best that any person could get in this life.” The little boy listened to all the words said. His heart held them close until he was wed To the girl of his dreams. They would be happy,too, If they would just follow what Dad said to do. The young man he worked his skin to the bone Just to feed his young family and provide them a home. It wasn’t a castle nor was it the kind Of house his dad had. But for them it was fine. His children would hug him and give him a kiss. His wife would join in and then they’d insist That he take the day off to roam and to play In the fields near their house ’til the end of the day. “Okay,” said the man. “But I’ve something to do. My dad called this morning inquiring of you. He’s nearing the end of his life, so you see He wants to ask a few questions of me.” The young man climbed to the top of the hill, Sat next to his dad, they were both very still. The old man had a sad look on his face. “My son,” said the father, “your life was a waste. I gave you the secrets to get what I had. You didn’t listen. What a lazy young lad!” “But, Dad!” cried the son, “I heard what you said. But I remember how you used to tuck me in bed. You’d tell me you loved me. Your face it would shine. You’d tell me the world would someday be mine. All that I wanted to have in my life Was to give to my family, my kids and my wife, The memories you gave me when I was a boy. The unconditional love and the joy. You played with me, Dad! Come see what I’ve done With the advice that you gave me and the prizes I’ve won.” They walked to the edge and saw in the glen Children now laughing. It made them both grin. And not far away ontop a small hill Sat a foundation of a castle that will Someday be their house. For he always did say A home they would have all the time, every day. “The foundation of love that I built for them Dad You’d taught from my youth was the goal to be had. So, I am a success, and a rich man am I!” And the old man in admiration then cried.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:59:03 +0000

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