Heres the point... There is a mythology sprouted from one Bronze - TopicsExpress


Heres the point... There is a mythology sprouted from one Bronze Age tribe. It has sprouted 2 distinct other mythologies besides the original. Both claim the heredity of the original but took it different directions. These 3 mythologies boast hundreds of millions of worshipers. The adherents of this mythology believe the events in their mythology to be FACT and the Truth - as in this shit really historically happened - and that their supreme being actually, factually exists/has existed exactly as you, me, and the billions of other creatures on this planet have existed. Further, that only THEIR supreme being is True, exists, and any other viewpoint is criminal. They claim this and have for centuries claimed this and use it as an Authority, moral or otherwise, to lord over others, create laws, kill, conquer, convert, or otherwise FORCE their mythology on the rest of humanity. FORCE the subjugation of others into their CULT. They feel justified because they accept their mythology is not mythology but FACTS. Verifiable historical FACTS. Therefore when evidence refutes these long held facts from their mythology to be in error, the new evidence puts another chink in their dominance, their authority, and their right to impose their will (sure isnt any loving divine creatures will) upon everyone else. THATs why I freely report things that PROVE the things written in their texts, from whence the derive their right to dominate others, are in fact UNtrue.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:19:19 +0000

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