Heres the review.... - TopicsExpress


Heres the review.... amazon/The-Perception-Deception-David-Icke/dp/0955997380/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404871828&sr=8-1&keywords=david+icke Okay... the link is above. heres the first review on the page. Its a bit long, but you can skim the first part where hes comparing the new book called The Perception Deception to Ickes 2 previous books. Its starts getting really interesting after the first dashed line. (His set up WARNING is somewhat comical.) also, just a heads up... Ickes books usually talk about the predator race and the so-called manipulations. I highlighted the Matrix part. I think Id like to read the book, but its a monstrous 724 pages!! By D&D TOP 500 REVIEWER on January 29, 2014 The mostly new stuff is in the first half of the book (Kindle Book 1), which is spine-tingling in the way it has pulled everything together, in the clarity with which it explains whats happening behind the scenes, in the practical way it explains what masters/gurus down the ages have said: this world is illusion. In my 2010 review of Human Race Get Off Your Knees, I wrote: Icke is one of the very few conspiracy whistleblowers who has developed a relatively advanced spiritual awareness from which he can provide a useful context and understanding of the material he has uncovered. With this book I think hes forged way ahead of most spiritual teachers. Using David R Hawkins method of calibrating truth (see his book Truth vs Falsehood; how to tell the difference), this book seems to calibrate at over 900 (on a spiritual/truth scale of 1-1,000) which is close to avatar level, about as high (deep?) as its possible to get in this physical reality. (Note: NOT avatar as in the movie but an incarnate divine teacher.) In my 2012 review of Remember Who You Are, I covered that in December 2011 Clif High of the web bot reports/forecasts had publicly identified David Icke as the Gandhi of our day. Apparently, Ghandi calibrates at 760, so I dont know (if the calibrations are accurate, that is) if Icke has now gone past Ghandi as a spiritual teacher? Ultimately each of us decides for ourselves, of course... While there are a few repulsive, left-brain chapters in the first half, on pedophilia and the myriad benefits of torture and death to the parasites who have taken control of this world, it is a mistake to blame Icke for holding up a mirror to force us to look at their disgusting deeds. Truth is highly spiritual and Icke speaks truths. [WARNING: left brain controlled skeptics should skip to below the second dotted line, the lowest bit covers the second half of the book, which is provable facts and much better suited to such - reading between the lines here (or anywhere, actually) will only confuse you] So, for the open-minded, here are a few extracts from the most exciting areas, but you really need to read the book to get it: --------------------------------------- Our world is but a dream within a dream. It is not solid as it appears to be but holographic (illusory solid - as quantum physics has been saying but most scientists have been ignoring). Long, long ago (perhaps 200,000 years ago) we were genetically modified by the predator race to experience only the tiny frequency band called visible light. The genetic manipulation shut down much of the human receiver-transmitter system and re-tuned RNA/DNA to a fake reality. This created monumental physical upheavals and a transformation of humanitys sense of self and reality. Our apparently physical reality is a decoded projection. We now live in a manufactured illusion, a fake reality that we believe to be real - where balance and harmony have been distorted and truth has been inverted. Earth people once interacted within reality through the heart vortex (chakra), the Heart-Mind and the brain served the heart rather than the other way around as now. Our once heart-centered society has been diluted and distorted to become belly-centered (gut and survival chakras), founded on low-vibration emotions. The reptilian brain within the human brain either wasnt there before the genetic hijack or it is far bigger and more influential than it was before. The introduction or enlargement of the reptilian brain allowed the predator race to infiltrate the human psyche even more effectively. The predator race is purely reptilian and they have forced the character traits of the reptilian brain on us, humanity (reptilians are extremely robotic and mechanic in their thinking and structure; dominated by intellect and with no creative imagination; incredibly and genetically hierarchical, like the caste system). The predator realm is very close to this one in terms of frequency; to mass-control humanity we must be manipulated into low and dense vibrational states that connect us to their realm. Their world is biological death, the opposite of ours. Our unthinking subservience to the predators perception and emotional programs locks the body-mind decoding systems into the frequency range of the fake reality - the Matrix - which operates within their low-vibration emotional band. Our society is dominated by fear and emotional reaction which generates negative emotional energy, while calm assessment does not. They feed on the mass negative emotional energy generated by pain, chaos, war/terrorism, death, destruction - and work hard to make sure we get plenty of suffering. They know that if they can keep us this way they will block access to the heart center and the love, awareness, insight and innate intelligence that will connect with home. The mass mind manipulation (programming) takes place at all levels including media/entertainment, religion, science, education, medicine, politics, corporations, finance, you name it. They incessantly use a major gateway to subconscious human perception: through symbols and images which are information fields that enter the brain through the sight senses - just as sound enters the brain through the ears. They bypass the conscious mind to implant perceptions in the subconscious while we have no idea this is happening. Being consciously aware, for example, that all traditional events (of royalty, religion, etc) are energy sucking rituals blocks the effects and protects us because it brings the effect out of subconscious. Blind worship does the opposite. They have been manipulating us into accepting a prison-cell reality in which we have less and less freedom of expression, movement, choice or even independent thought. Much consent is unconscious and comes about by inaction rather than action. We are building our own prisons: not opting out is giving consent, just the same as opting in. The current economic difficulties are just one part of the incessant centralization of power in all areas of our lives with the aim of a global Control System. The predators distort and invert reality. Satanism, and its offshoot pedophilia, is their most powerful expression of control because it directly interacts with their realm. Their aim is to continue changing our reality vibrationally and atmospherically (you thought pollution was some kind of mistake?) to become closer and closer to their reality. Transhumanism is their ultimate destination, where we are step by tiny step made into cyborgs like those in Star Trek. They crow that the more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it. We refuse to believe they can act in ways that we simply never could but they - and their minions here - are computer-like, machine-like, psychopathic parasites without creativity, empathy or compassion. The Earth beyond the frequency prison of the Matrix (the speed of light) is very different to the one we are experiencing within the Matrix. Humans have the capacity and potential to expand their own awareness and see beyond the veil of the Matrix or at least see through the lower levels of the conspiracy. Not everyone is enslaved by the Matrix. Those who open their minds and expand their range of awareness can connect with the information, knowledge and insight beyond the Matrix and therefore see what others cannot see. Such people are usually called mad, fantasists or dangerous by those aware only of the fake reality. They are also described as awakened by those with greater perception. A heart society is founded on love in its widest sense: laughter, optimism and joy is heart chakra. If humanity filled this reality with heart energy, the predator race would have to leave. Icke states repeatedly that this is their greatest fear and he also knows that it is inevitable. --------------------------------------------------- While the first half of the book is mainly spiritual and full of right-brain-insights, the second half (Kindle Book 2) is left-brain factual, with mainly more of the same as his previous books. In this half, Icke presents fact after fact after fact on whats happening all over the world and where it is inexorably heading - towards Agenda 21. Part of this long-term Agenda (covering decades, perhaps centuries) involves modifying humanity into a transhumanist part-human, part-machine cyborg permanently drugged to love our slavery. We will exist penned in high-density mega-slums (just like factory chickens do now). Meanwhile most of our Mother Earth will be reserved for the .1% - the psychopaths who arent fully human - who have already in the last decade manipulated the most massive transfer of wealth to themselves in known history. No one has been jailed despite blatant fraud in the trillions, and still we sit back and do nothing. (Its claimed no laws have been broken but isnt do not steal a basic law?) Dont believe were on the way to becoming a biological robot? The evidence here shows were more than half-way there. Transhumanism by Farrell also looks at the various ways in which humans are being changed, physically, mentally and emotionally, into something quite different. As he quotes several times in the first half: Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom. If you are not already convinced of these truths, you need this book. If you are, you may appreciate the information here anyway, as it rounds up a huge amount that youd otherwise have to be widely read to amass. Some say we have the governments we deserve, the education we deserve, the media, the medical services, the justice we deserve... How about you? Looking forward to living in the Agenda 21 world, perhaps? You certainly must if you dont think we live in an inverted world... So, its up to us, the leading edge and the early adopters (thats all of us awake enough to be interested in this book, including looking at the reviews here), to lead the way. The more of us wake up, the more empathy we can generate (for ourselves as well as others), the sooner we can achieve heaven on earth.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:07:31 +0000

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