Heres the situation in the USA. We do not live in a - TopicsExpress


Heres the situation in the USA. We do not live in a democracy. We do not live in a republic. We live in a corporatocracy run by the plutocratic families, the corporate oligarchs and the international banksters who are all rooted in self-interest, greed and power...not Love and Wisdom. The constitution was written by 55 men, many of whom were wealthy plutocrats and secret society freemasons. The dynastic plutocratic families and the corporate oligarchs and the international banksters have built the society that you live in. They built the financial system and the corporations. They are a fraction of 1% of the population and they presently own at least 40% of the wealth here in the USA ($26 trillion) . Less than 200,000 are dominating 330 million people. The dynastic plutocratic families and the corporate oligarchs and the international banksters have built a financial system that favors themselves. With all their immense wealth, they dominate the corporations and the mainstream media and the politicians and the police and the military and they have built prisons to keep you in. And on top of that, they foster religious, racial, ideological, etc divisions among the People. They use the mainstream media, including movies, to manipulate your mind from the cradle to the grave. They dominate the politicians to pass laws that benefit them and not you. They use the police and the military to enforce their will on you. And if you step out of line they made prisons to keep you in. They murdered more than 50 million Native American Indians, enslaved and tortured Africans, murdered President JFK, Martin Luther King, RFK, Malcolm X, 4 million Vietnamese, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Senator Paul Wellstone, 2,996 on 9/11, 2 million in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and Syria, Michael Hastings, Hugo Chavez, just to name a few. Do you really think the answer to all this is to run away and just deal mainly with your own life? Do you really think they will just leave you and your family alone? Do you really think that they will not use all their resources to neutralize your good work as they have done so many time before in the past? What exactly is your plan to prevent this from happening? So what needs to be done? We start from where we live. We take charge of our city or town and we show the world what is possible. For instance, here in NYC, about 72% of eligible voters dont vote in the NYC Mayoral election. And at least 2/3 of of them are progressive. 5 million New Yorkers are eligible to vote. Only 1 million usually vote (20% of eligible voters). The mayorship is usually won with less than 800,000 votes. We start by creating a Voting Bloc. This means that all we have to do is to inspire just 1 million individuals from the 4 million to vote together for the candidates who are best for the People. This Voting Bloc will enable us to win the Mayorship and the City Council. Then we will be able to repeal laws that do not serve the People and enact laws that do. Then we will be in a better position to finally implement the gazillion wonderful creative solutions we already have without impediment. Then from there we can more easily usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in True Love and Wisdom. i am turning around and mentoring on average about 10 new uninformed/misinformed people every week. It is imperative that each and every one of us, without exception, does the same. https://facebook/groups/379816208803429 https://facebook/pages/Creating-a-Wonderful-World/196863960347620 A Bugs Life - Then they ALL might stand up to us: youtube/watch?v=VLbWnJGlyMU t
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:00:26 +0000

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