Heres the thing about cats - they are naturally going to use a - TopicsExpress


Heres the thing about cats - they are naturally going to use a litterbox. They dont want to go to the bathroom on your stuff, they want to go in a box, because cats are OCD about being clean. Think about how often they groom themselves! They are divas of the animal world. So when your cat doesnt use the litterbox, this means theres a problem and youve got to narrow it down to either medical or behavioral. When cats dont feel good, they cant come to you and point at their stomachs and say this hurts, or I really dont like your new boyfriend, he is mean to me. So they have to find a way to tell you that theres a problem, and do so by peeing on your stuff. Its gross, its awful, and it smells the worst. But when it happens, its for a reason. If youre going through it, the first thing you should do is take a look at what you feed your cats. What is the very first ingredient - corn...meat by product? If so, you have to consider making changes. Cats are carnivores, so they need meat! Feeding them stuff made from corn and b products is like asking a human to survive on gravy flavored Fritos. You can do it, but down the road youre going to have health problems. You can add meat into their diet with canned food, cooking real meat for them, or changing the dry food. Most people dont realize that cats can survive on canned food alone, and its very good for them! This article covers an awful lot about litterbox issues, please share it with anyone you know whos going through this right now. It may just keep a kitty in their home!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 21:02:51 +0000

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