Heres what I am going to say about Tom Brady, and then I dont want - TopicsExpress


Heres what I am going to say about Tom Brady, and then I dont want to hear anymore from anyone else in earshot. Which isnt that far away. If anyone asks, I will refer them to this post. Its pretty clear to most that know me, I have loved Tom Brady since the Snowbowl and that historic drive against the Rams. That has to do with my being in college and not having had games to watch nor the time to really pay attention. I have stood by this guy despite the hatorade, mostly because hes my guy, its my team. Its similar to the Niners and Montana(of whom I am also fond) or the Giants and Lawrence Taylor or the Bears and Dikta. Personally, I would hope that Brady and Belichick are telling the truth. I also think that this whole swirl of controversy is rather pathetic and representative of some faults in our over bloated talking head society. That said, I am being hypocritical, I have followed this story very closely and I am more knowledgeable then most about that which is possible to be knowable. I have learned NFL rulebook minutia about that which I never thought I would know. If the NFL does find credible evidence that the Patriots and Tom Brady, in particular, lied on camera in front of everyone, then yes I will hold him in almost as much contempt as I do Alex Rodriguez. And... that is saying a lot for me. Belichick, is another situation.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 23:51:46 +0000

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