Heres what I know in my house...when you are hungry, tired, cold, - TopicsExpress


Heres what I know in my house...when you are hungry, tired, cold, hot, or stressed one of us may lash out at the other family member with our speech and in some cases...actions. thats straight up legit. However, that doesnt make it right. When this happens...there is a consequence behind your action. Period. If you break the rules then be prepared to be grounded....either you wont be going somewhere, will be off the computer, not driving, or handing over a cell phone.) In extreme cases you may have your bedroom door taken from the hinges and placed on the front porch so you can be reminded that you chose to give up your freedom of privacy. Whatever, the consequence, it is given out of love and to protect you from making more bad choices that could affect you your whole life. Ultimately, you still have free will and freedom of choice. Weve always loved our kids, encouraged them to do the right thing, and know that when they dont...although disappointed in them, we still love them no matter what. However, with that being said...Weve always been able to accept the actions they choose and never made excuses for are tired, they studied all night and havent had dinner, they didnt know, its the friends they hang out with, they are stressed and cant handle it, their teacher doesnt like them, they are being picked on, or the principal picks on them. Suck it up, buttercup. Put your big girl britches on, do what you know is right. I know you hate rules and people telling you what to do but its to protect you, not to harm you. There will always be an authority over you...always. No matter what! Our girls knew that if you get in trouble at school, you will get 2 times that trouble at home. End of story. Mom and dad love you and if these rules are crazy, we are willing to take the responsibility for it...its on us...Not you. You just need to do your job...go to school, work, get along, love people, be kind to animals, love Jesus. If you choose to live opposite of this we will still love you, but you will probably have to get used to 3 hots and a cot cause we refuse to use our hard earned money to bail you out of a jail cell. Were saving for Greece.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:37:16 +0000

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