Heres where I stand: If youre a (female) I WILL hold the door open - TopicsExpress


Heres where I stand: If youre a (female) I WILL hold the door open for you. If youre walking towards an opening, i will pause and let you walk through first. If you are offended that I offered that polite gesture, its time for you to get over it and realize that being polite is proper and appropriate!! I was raised that opening a door for a lady or the pausing to allow a lady to pass through first was showing the greatest respect. It was NEVER intended to be derogatory or to diminish another persons self worth. At Grampa Kingstons table, we werent even allowed to sit until every lady was seated at the table. The food could NOT be touched until the ladies were seated first and only then could we all sit down and only then could the first scoop of food be placed on anyones plate. It was a sign of respect and of honor directed at the women in the room. We need more of those old fashioned values taught to our young people today. Being polite and showing respect was once a norm that is now considered to be odd and thought to be implying something negative. Its time for people to begin showing respect and consideration rather than the cold disdain our world shows in so many facets of our society. Im sick and tired of people trying to tell me im wrong and out of line for doing what once was considered honorable. I will not let those who have no manners and no respect to dictate to me or my family how others should be considered. To me, it will NEVER be out of style to show the respect that others deserve. When I hold the door for a lady, I honor my grandfathers and my father by remembering what they taught and offering the respect that all women deserve. Those men deserve the greatest honor of all for having had the decency to teach me how to properly treat & respect women, and that all the women in our lives are honored blessings.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 18:16:29 +0000

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