Here’s a fun Facebook Game you can play with yourself . . . and - TopicsExpress


Here’s a fun Facebook Game you can play with yourself . . . and who doesn’t like to play with themselves? When you read a post, instead of immediately reacting to what is being said as if it was being said directly to you/about you, take a second to let the initial communication waft over your sweet little brain, and give it some time to settle into your Understanding Place. Then, allow yourself to ask these questions before replying: Is this person hurt and trying to find validation so they can heal some part of themselves through a connection with other people? Is what you’re reading a thinly-vieled attempt to find some emotional alliance that they have not been able to find in the face-to-face world? Establishing “right” or “wrong” is the easiest common ground for debating and posturing, and we are stocked with all sorts of logic and grammar to defend ourselves against feeling “The Bads”, but is there a more important thing going on than making this be about you establishing your higher status in this relationship? Something more important than you showing what you know and how many facts you have armed yourself with? Is there some higher calling that could be fulfilled? Is this person trying to find someone, anyone, who will take them on as an equal, respected voice to communicate with and be heard? Maybe there IS some bullshit that they are flipping, but maybe they are just unable to express themselves for any number of reasons. We’re currently dealing with a lot of sensitive social issues in ways that are a lot less private than we ever have before, and the script we’ve been given, this marketed language that has been coded to persuade you, and shame you, and exploit you, is hard to sift through alone. In fact, it’s highly possibly it’s been engineered to make you feel alone so you buy a certain comfort, or vote your way into a certain community under the guise of “being a part” of something. I guess I’m inviting you to see perceived “attacks” as “invitations” to be compassionate and extend warmth and humanity . . . and we can “challenge” ourselves to at least look for that opening, see if it’s there . . . see if it’s possible. It’s so much more satisfying than going for the exposed throat of easy prey. But you gotta recognize the exposure. You have to care more about someone else than your own sensitivities. The love you have is worth so much more when you give it, than it is when you cultivate it all for your own use. Humble yourself to a greater purpose and maybe you won’t be so quick to defend your own delicate insecurities. Maybe youll even find some healing of your own, said the clown.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:04:47 +0000

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