Here’s a word you dont hear much: Orthogonomic. The - TopicsExpress


Here’s a word you dont hear much: Orthogonomic. The reason is because I made it up – I think. I’ll assume I did until someone sends me an example of usage that predates mine. My usage predates this post by at least a thousand years --- so, good luck. I just added it to my spell check dictionary so I don’t have to look at all the red underlines that would be in this post. Orthogonomics is the economy of right angled gain, and the phenomenon is much less exotic than the word sounds, otherwise I wouldnt be posting it on Facebook and the other social sites. I thought I would bring it up because it’s been on my mind – like the little Facebook question asks – and because I have been involved with it for a while. The simplest example I can think of is commercial Television – which grew out of commercial radio which grew out of magazine advertising which grew out of classified newspaper ads. Orthogonomics is the arrangement of those intersections between an enterprise and the money it makes. Sometimes an intersection is almost like two straight lines that merge; down the production, manufacturing, distribution, and sales chain, right back up from the consumer along the same lines. That is what I think of as ordinary business. I do not think of that as a natural business. A natural business sends out its aroma and presence into an atmosphere that gives back to the natural business in ways that the business can use, benefit from, and grow. The natural business creates trillions of these intersections. Like commercial television. We get to watch programs for free while the networks sell ads while the soap companies sell soap. That is kind of a three vector orthogonomic. Everything comes together to benefit everything else but nobody is in exactly the same business. The new music business is like that. The internet has forced it to expand and recognize and understand its orthogonimcs. Lots of converging and shared interests are discovering new ways to connect in the new hyper-landscape of the virtual-world-web-delivered music and screen content enterprises. Enterprise surprise. Even in “meat space”, as they call it over at New Inquiry, we sit and talk and eat and drink orthogonomically without ever knowing it. Same with going on the road and playing music and coming back and recording and then making it all available for sale – as downloads, as an “art” piece – maybe as a tear off on the back of a cereal box – (back in the day – “sitting on a corn flake”) or as a memorial T shirt, the theme for a movie, – or a tattoo. Im off on another solo tour in April and May -- Movies of the Mind -- before I go out with the Monkees. I’m going to start in Palm Springs at the Stagecoach Festival on the 27th of April then work my way up the west coast and end in Portland. (I posted this before and the dates are up at the Videoranch site.) Ill be riding aboard the orthogonomic train – selling T-shirts and posters and even a tote bag. Ill have some special items for sale “in the lobby” and I’ll be singing away while all this is going on. Today is a curious day of sorts for the arts but not weird or artificial. The ordinary enterprise has been too long at odds with the natural business of life-art. The natural orthogonomic business of music is upon us now greater than ever, a product of the ever connecting net. It is a natural architecture and I am excited and happy to be going out, playing and singing songs, and selling clothing and artifacts in its buildings. Songs have been sung by birds that eat seeds that fall from flowers as long as I remember.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:26:39 +0000

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