Heroes, even substantial and real ones, often have big egos. And - TopicsExpress


Heroes, even substantial and real ones, often have big egos. And as they battle bravely in the Valley of Death they may begin to think that they are fighting pretty much alone, have insights that are denied to the thickheads or otherwise apparently self-interested (from their perspective) who probably are on the same side and begin to attack them if they show any reluctance in following the hero and firing their magic bullets. This tendency is exacerbated when the hero moves beyond their oh shit moment. In so attacking those who are their friends (mostly at least) heroes help confuse issues and shape bullets of doubt about those friends integrity for our enemies to fire. Unfortunately, our enemies, aided perhaps by less doubt and more power to defend, seem less likely to do this. Thus, in addition to his angry excursion down the nuclear cul de sac, Jim Hansen, launches an attack on BIG GREEN, who are not greenwashing firms but the major national US environment groups, who it appears are the plaything of greedy corporate lawyers who appear to be as dubious as those mythical climate scientist who enriching themselves on the research grants they hoover up to tell porkies about climate science! Standby for Big Fossil and the COALition to start reproducing some of that analysis :( As near as I can tell, Jims current favourite magic bullet is a feebate scheme for carbon pricing which is a notion thats been around for decades. I think it has merit in being considered as part of a climate change amelioration package. In advancing it, however, he seems to be thinking that we can hand the solution over completely to the brilliance of the market and attacks Obama and others for seeing regulation and EFFECTIVE POLICING as a necessary part of a working strategy. This sounds all a bit too anti-government Tea Party-like an approach to me. Thoughts on this very welcome. columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2014/20140920_TruthToPower.pdf
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:29:02 +0000

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