Hes Speaking, are you Listening? Last night I went to an - TopicsExpress


Hes Speaking, are you Listening? Last night I went to an AWESOME Business Opportunity meeting with Pastor Anthony Knotts and Johnnie Williams. The meeting was held at the Drury Inn in Greensboro on High Point Rd. Twelve years ago I found myself being abused by the man I was in love with. This man tortured me all night long. It wasnt until I saw my son balled up in a corner, watching in fear and crying just as I did when I was a child watching a man beat my Mom, it was in that moment I said enough is enough! After my abuser had fallen asleep, I eased out of the bed, got all four of my kids dressed (ages 7,5,2 and 8months) and I snuck out of the apartment. I had no money and nowhere to go. All I had was my kids, pampers, wipes, baby bottle and my food stamp card. I went to my Aunts neighbor house because she worked at the DRURY INN in Greensboro on High Point Rd. I knocked on the door at 6:00am crying and scared! I said Shay Thompson Im tired of him beating me, I dont have anywhere to go, no money no nothing, can you please help me? She got dressed, got in her mustang and took me to the DRURY INN in Greensboro on High Point Rd. She said stay as long as you need to Tonina and if you need anything just let me know! Not only did she give me a room but she kept my business to herself. The only people who knew where I was, was Shay and my Best Friend Lashella Edwards. I was there for almost a month! It was in that moment that my life changed FOREVER. I never ever went back and I havent seen that man since. Fast Forward 12 years later Im at the DRURY INN in Greensboro on High Point Road. My first time back since I had to live there. God spoke to me in the middle of the meeting and said It was in this very same hotel 12 yrs ago that I changed your life for the GOOD, Now Im about to change your life for the BETTER! He took me back to that place just to let me know If I did it before, Ill do it again. But..... you gotta TRUST ME and LISTEN! How amazing is it that He SPOKE to me on 10/9/14: 10- is not only Domestic Violence Awareness Month but it also means Completion, Law, Testimony, 9- means Harvest 14- is 7 plus 7, seven means Completion and 14 means double proportion! Completion, Completion, Completion, Its Harvest Time, Continue to share your story! In other words he had to repeat himself because I wasnt listening. He said I GOT YOU, I GOT YOU, I GOT YOU! NOW WALK INTO YOUR DOUBLE PROPORTION WHILE YOU SHARE YOUR STORY! I said all of that to say GOD IS SPEAKING but ARE YOU LISTENING? HE GOT YOU now WALK IN IT! Isaiah 43:19 the Ghetto version Behold I will do a new thing and you aint even know it! I know its dark but bow your head, say your grace, because you are about to EAT!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:53:57 +0000

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