Hes not to be trusted!!! This is what he said in one of his stats - TopicsExpress


Hes not to be trusted!!! This is what he said in one of his stats defending his bs. Ray Hagins Wow! I just got in from a day of traveling; only to come on my page and see all of these negative comments, insults, name calling, etc., etc., etc., that i guess spawns from a video of an EXCERPT of a lecture that I gave in Paterson on Saturday. I am not at all surprised that this EXCERPT of the lecture was posted because that was the intent of it, to present me in a certain light. There is an old saying that says, Never explain because your friends dont need it; and your enemies aint gonna believe you anyway. So I wont attempt to explain the CONTEXT of what is depicted in this video. But, I will say the following... 1) With regard to the Michael Brown killing: - It was a tragedy and I pray for the family of Michael Brown. - I have NEVER said that I thought that the killing of Michael Brown was justified, and I DONT think it was. - What I DID say is that the laws of the State of Missouri says that it was, and THAT is why Officer Darren Wilson was not (and will not be charged with Michael Browns death). - This is why I have asked Senator Nasheed to present a bill to the state legislature (as a result the Michael Brown tragedy), and I will be going before the House of Representatives to lobby to have the Use of Deadly Force By A Law Enforcement Officer changed from the way it is presently written in Missouri. - My emphasis over the last week has been on how the MEDIA has manipulated the thinking of the masses into a mindless frenzy. - I am trying to get us to begin to exercise our critical thinking faculties instead of taking hearsay and running with it (as so many of you on the thread have done). - For example, many are saying that Michael Brown did not commit a robbery, but Dorian said that he did!!! Read Dorians own words (starting at page 31 in the following link): graphics8.nytimes/.../grand-jury-volume-04.pdf - There are several other testimonies by eyewitnesses that clearly contradict what we were told by the media. 2) With regard to my affiliation with law enforcement: - It is no secret that I was a member of the Newark, NJ P.D., and from 1995 to 2007, I served in PSD (Police Services Division). I was appointed to that position under Mayor Sharp James, so what!?!?!? I have publicly stated this many times. I dont think that is something that an agent would do. - My appointment to my position automatically made me a member of the Newark Chapter of the FOP (Lodge # 12). I never joined the FOP or took the oath posted above. Tonight was the first time I ever saw that oath, but what amazes me is how incendiary agents among us choose to talk as though they know what they are talking about. - I am the president of the Missouri Chapter of Black Cops Against Police Brutality. Because of the brother in blue that we are affiliated with there, it helps us to be privy to certain information if and when needed. We normally refer to that as the spook who sat by the door concept. In closing, it is sad that people are so gullible to jump on a mobocratic band wagon (as my mother use to say). But then again, I learned years ago that the masses are the asses. This means that most people dont think for themselves, they join the crowd (the mob). We take hearsay, and spread it without ever asking ourselves about the intent behind the origins of it. I am convinced that most of our people wouldnt know and agent if they walked up and smacked them in the face. I am thankful for those who express themselves as many have in this post because, as a very wise Brother said to me, Ray, they are doing the work for us of weeding out the weak minded. In this way we will know who can and who can not go with us to the next level. Upsetting people is something that I have been doing for almost 40 years. So people being upset with me, or not liking what I have said, is a part of the territory that I have to work in. People have been upset with me since I said that Jesus never existed. Those who I cared about the most said far more worse things that some have said on this thread. Everyday of my life is spent in endeavoring to raise the consciousness of my people and empower them. For those who cant see that, well...you just cant see it...thats all. I aint angry at cha. Peace! 33 mins · Like · 1
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:59:12 +0000

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