Hes right, the Taliban doesnt keep prisoners of war, the Koran - TopicsExpress


Hes right, the Taliban doesnt keep prisoners of war, the Koran doesnt dictate that they must, it dictates that Christians and Jews should be murdered period. What is this world coming to when 5 senior rag heads are exchanged for an obvious traitor??? There are no words to describe what is happening in the world lately. No-one seems to have any integrity or human decency. During WW!! this Bergdhal guy wouldve been put in front of a firing squad or had a noose put around his neck. Good riddance. If you turn on your own, youre not worth a dime His father claimed the White House for Islam when he started talking and that Muslim in the White House had a huge grin on his face. Western civilisation is committing suicide and Islam is pulling the trigger. Good luck, people get what they deserve, Im so glad I wont be around to see the ensuing result. theblaze/stories/2014/06/04/what-caught-lone-survivor-marcus-luttrell-off-guard-in-bergdahl-prisoner-exchange/
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:03:35 +0000

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