Hesin dugur at svara aftur :) Her Child Was Torn From Her Body. - TopicsExpress


Hesin dugur at svara aftur :) Her Child Was Torn From Her Body. Its Almost Impossible To View These Images sfglobe/?id=2021&src=share_fb_new_2021 William Coaker48 I see nothing in these pictures of a woman having her child ripped from her body. What I see is a community coming together to collectively harvest a natural resource as their ancestors have done for centuries. I see children learning their culture, their heritage, their connection to the environment around them that they depend on. I see something precious. What I dont see, and dont expect to see, is any attempt to understand by ignorant, effete urbanites who have no concept of what it is to live in a rural culture so close to the land and sea. I see people who know their extravagant urban lifestyle is destroying the environment and feel guilty for it, and who absolve that guilt by heaping defamation and scorn on innocent, good people who are simply living their lives close to the environment, doing less damage in a lifetime than any of you do in a year. I see people suffering from an overdose of Disney movies. You havent gotten over the trauma you felt the first time you saw Bambis mother get shot. This is not Free Willy. I also see bigotry. These people are European. Who is going to call you out for cultural imperialism and hate speech against a small isolated culture of Europeans that no one has ever heard of? I am. This is blatant hate speech and cultural imperialism masquerading as moral superiority. You judge and defame people from whom you could learn volumes about living more harmoniously with the environment than your soothe my soul by recycling and composting while I help contribute 70% of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere mentality. The disrespect, the ignorant Fundamentalistic judgmentalism, and the unjustly assumed morally superior tone of this hateful, malicious piece of propaganda are nauseating. I wouldnt be surprised if there are hateful responses and even death threats to me because one of the ignorant peasants had the temerity to stand up to you people and call you out for the hatefilled narcissists you are. I am from a culture that has also been exploited and damaged by these hypocrites, and know what you do not, and refuse to believe, that they are lying and misleading you to get money and attention. As a liberal who believes in human rights and social justice, I find this kind of exploitative, ignorant cultural imperialism appalling. I find your unwillingness to research and find out the truth to be reprehensible. You are not the morally superior progressives you think you are, but you cant bear to find that out, so you hide from the truth. ReplyLikeDislike William Coaker29 I am disgusted to see such a piece of ignorant cultural imperialism masquerading as virtue. The lies, the Fundamentalist style judgmentalism, the arrogance, the smug, undeserved self righteousness of this piece of hate speech are nauseating. These people are doing nothing wrong. It is no different than the slaughter of the cow your favourite cut of beef comes from. You do realize your meat does not spring fully formed from a styrofoam tray? The anthropomorphism of this is sickening. There is no woman here having a child ripped from her body. This is a sustainable harvest of a natural resource by people from a small culture you know nothing about. Their actions are not wrong simply because they look shocking to people who have no concept of the natural world other than what they see on TV and who have no knowledge of where their own food comes from. Youre squeamishness does not make these people monsters. Your judgmentalism and ignorance make you bigots. Perhaps the most offensive are the captions under the pictures of the children. One says Is this what we want to teach our children? Well, these children are learning their place in the environment they live in. They are learning how to harvest the resources it provides, and has provided, for their people for a thousand years. They are learning their place in the community, their function, their identity. They are being given roots, and therefor wings. I would much prefer our children be taught that. You are teaching your children that it is virtuous to sit in judgment of a culture you do not understand and demonize and attack them simply because you are shocked by images of something you have never seen before. That is an evil lesson to teach a child. Your children are cultural imperialists in training, and you look down on this??? Your society is deeply disfunctional and you have the nerve to attack a culture that is far healthier than yours and does far less damage to the environment than yours does. I cannot believe I could feel so much disgust for other humans as I feel for you. Grow up and get over your overdose of Disney and Pixar! I do not expect you to understand. How can you know the meaning of community when your culture is continually trying to redefine it and come up with new ways to be community because you forgot how long ago? You dont even know what community is, and you judge communities that have functioned as such for centuries. You say It takes a village, but you have no idea what that means, and when you see the kind of village that it takes, you dont recognize it, you attack it instead because it is so alien to you. I feel sad for you. Your lives are empty of the good things these people have as a birthright: closeness to the environment, a peaceful quiet lifestyle, connectedness with their past, even something so basic as a cultural identity, safety for their children, and a solid knowledge of their place in the natural environment. That hole you are ignoring in your soul, that emptiness, that vague sense of unfulfillment? These people dont have that. They know who they are. Its you who have lost your humanity, and this hateful, self validating piece of bigoted ego fodder proves it. Your experience of human existence is so distorted by your disconnection from the world and people around you, you dont understand it, you attack, and worse still, you feel virtuous for doing so. You are attacking people who are better than you, though you will never know that. You are modern day cultural imperialists, no better than the Europeans of 200 years ago, demanding the savages bend to your ways because your ignorant disapproval is somehow more valid. You disgust me. I hope and pray the Faroese can be better protected from the depredations of your narcissistic ego feeding than my culture was when you came to unjustly exploit and demonize us. You are ignorant, hatefilled bigots feeding your egos on the backs of people whose feet you are not fit to kiss. You should be ashamed.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 01:03:01 +0000

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