Hey - LOL of the day...I got a notice to wish Prez Obama a happy - TopicsExpress


Hey - LOL of the day...I got a notice to wish Prez Obama a happy birthday... LMAO! What say, the local paper ran a letter to the editor in a better way to celebrate the day... IMPEACHMENT!!! Not BD wishes...America needs a break from HIM... See letter below, Congressman Jeff Duncan, etc... Read - and if agree, SHARE!!!! If not, oh, well - As an independent voter, I can’t understand how Democrats and Republicans can stand by and do nothing about a president who blatantly lies to the American people. President Barack Obama said he would get to the bottom of the Benghazi incident and bring justice to those killed, but instead, he and his administration have blocked those committees investigation at every turn. Instead of firing United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice for lying about what caused the assault on our embassy in Benghazi, he promoted her. He said he would get to the bottom of the Internal Revenue Service incident because the American people were mistreated and what we saw at the hearings were employees at the top level take the fifth. For the past week President Obama has gone on tour once again lying to the American people. The reason was supposed to be about the economy but, he couldn’t resist blaming the Republicans for our sad state of affairs. In his diatribe of ignorance, he had the unmitigated gall to trivialize the scandals of the past several months, saying they were “phony” and that was the reason the economy was so poor. This despicable act of disrespect for our dead and grieving families should not be tolerated. To add insult to injury, Obama met with the President of Vietnam on his return this past week and gave praise to former president Ho Chi Minh regarding his liking for our Constitution. It mattered little that Minh killed a half million of his own people and cost our country more than 58,000 killed. As a 100 percent disabled Marine Vietnam vet, I take exception to this. Obama has shown by deed that he can’t be trusted. We should have a special election to remove the liar in chief from office. Gregory J. Topliff Warrenville aikenstandard/article/20130731/AIK0203/130739926/1018/AIK02/letter-remove-obama-from-office Read more: Letter: Remove Obama from office | Aiken Standard Follow us: @aikenstandard on Twitter | aikenstandard on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:46:10 +0000

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