Hey Aspirants MSPs and MSA, Applicants must complete these 2 - TopicsExpress


Hey Aspirants MSPs and MSA, Applicants must complete these 2 activities given below to be considered for this year’s MSP selection process [Deadline for activity submission claims is 25th August, 2014]. Activity for this Year MSP Program have been declared as follows: 1)Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) You need to complete any 1 training course on MVA from the below list of trainings on Microsoft Virtual Academy between 25th July, 2014 to 25th August, 2014. Please note that the completion of trainings before 25th July, 2014 and after 25th August, 2014 will not be evaluated.The list of courses is as follows: - Whats New in Visual Studio 2013 Jump Start Windows Store Apps with HTML5 Refresh Jump Start Gaming Engines for Windows 8 JumpStart HTML5 App Development Fundamentals What’s new in Visual Studio 2013 Jump Start VB Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners Building Apps for Windows Phone 8.1Jump Start Get Started with Windows Azure Today Jump Start Windows Phone 8.1 Development for Absolute Beginners Building Web Apps with ASP.NET Jump Start Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 Jump Start Programming in C# Jump Start Applying ALM with Visual Studio 2012 Jump Start Mobile Apps to IoT: Connected Devices with Windows Azure Building Modern Web Apps Jump Start Windows 8.1 UX Design Jump Start Get Started with Windows Azure Today Jump Start Gaming Engines for Windows 8 Jump Start 2)Windows 8/ Windows Phone/ Office App Build 1 new Windows 8 App OR Windows Phone App OR Office App and it should be published to the respective store between 25th July, 2014 and 25th August, 2014. The following apps will not be considered as a successful completion of this activity: Calculators RSS Feed Readers Converters (Currency, Time etc.) for nomination you can contact me or any other MSP in the country.. ALL the Best Guys.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:00:02 +0000

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