Hey Baby Dragons! As you all know, I had to resign from my - TopicsExpress


Hey Baby Dragons! As you all know, I had to resign from my position as your Lieutenant Governor. I wanted to wait until I told all your officers before making an official post so they wouldnt feel super confused and hurt that I didnt tell them first. Well… too late for that. Anyways, a ton of unfortunate events led up to my resignation. I suppose life was just not okay with me being LtG. Although it hurts for this to happen, I dont want to put blame on anybody. I was told that I served our division the best that I could given my circumstance. Not many of you know, but my parents were against me being Lieutenant Governor during the past few months. On the bright side, they have embraced my decision around the beginning of June, which I am thankful for, but things still just couldnt go how I hoped they would. I just wanted to thank each and every one of my Baby Dragons. :) You all mean everything to me and I wouldnt have been able to serve as Lieutenant Governor if it wasnt for you all. Thank you for choosing me, for believing in me, for trusting in me, for looking up to me, and for working with me when I lacked as LtG. With that being said, I apologize for not living up to what I promised. I actually finished planning all the fun things I wanted to do with you all, but unfortunately I fell ill around the beginning of July and was unable to use my phone or laptop because I was supposed to focus on getting better. Because of my illness, there was a delay in posting about all the events that I wanted to do. I thought that after I got better, I would finally be in perfect shape to serve as the LtG that I promised I would be. Unfortunately, I had to resign right after I recovered. Please dont feel bad that this happened because sometimes we just have to lose things in life to experience pain in order to mature. I hope to see you all work hard for Jenny Feng and improve as Key Clubbers and be the best ones you can be. :3 A lot of people are asking me why I had to resign and I dont mind sharing so ask if you’re just that curious. Like I said way back in January, I walked into Lindbergh’s cafeteria three years ago for my first Key Club meeting. And in one year, I will walk out of Lindbergh’s cafeteria after my last meeting, not as your retiring Lieutenant Governor, but a proud member of Lindbergh’s Key Club and a former leader of Division 32. I am still set on becoming what a dragon symbolizes, a majestic creature that betters the world through its fiery passion for service. I am still that red dragon because I have a fire in my heart and passion, love, and energy coursing through my veins. I will still be part of our family of dragons that share a love for service. And even though I had to resign, I will still be your Mama Dragon that cares unconditionally. This is why I am still in Key Club, and that’s to serve all of my Baby Dragons. Even though it is now July, it is still hard for me to write from my heart. Key Club is still something I love and it continues to set my feelings on fire. And though I can no longer lead this division, I hope my enthusiasm to serve translates though the screen. Good luck to you all on whatever you want to pursue in Key Club or life in general. Again, thank you for everything. Mama Dragon will be rooting for you guys from the sidelines.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:09:07 +0000

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