Hey Business Lady! You say you want it all but you’re a PUSSY! - TopicsExpress


Hey Business Lady! You say you want it all but you’re a PUSSY! You went into business thinking you know it all…. But, guess what – YOU DON’T! You think you’re unique. But, in reality, you’re nothing special. You’re the same as the rest of them. bit.ly/1nMuOMQ You want it all but won’t get off your ass to make it happen. You say you want the 6 figure income. The freedom and the status. You see those SUCCESSFUL WOMEN absolutely killing it online; dripping with the confidence you don’t have. They have the knowledge, time and freedom that YOU. DON’T. HAVE. And you say you want to get you some of THAT…. but, DO YOU REALLY? You spend your days hiding behind the computer when you need to be doing so much more. You believe your own bullshit…. ‘I’ve tried but it didn’t work for me.’ ‘I just don’t get it.’ ‘I can’t afford it.’ But, is that really true? No-one hears what you say. You are not important. You don’t matter. You want to be the centre of attention but RIGHT NOW you are insignificant. YOU ARE THE INVISIBLE ENTREPRENEUR. You’re weak when you need to be strong. You’re afraid and you need to be fierce. You use excuses as a reason not to succeed. STOP IT. Stop lying to yourself. bit.ly/1nMuOMQ I know you are Scared. I know you are Confused. I know you feel Overwhelmed. It’s o.k. You’re not alone. Kick those self-sabotaging thoughts and the negative self-talk are keeping you stuck to the kerb. You have built your business from scratch with very little help. But, YOU KNOW it has the capacity to be SO MUCH MORE. Deep down you know you are as good… No! You know YOU ARE BETTER than those women you admire so much. It’s time to step out from behind the computer and make your voice heard. It’s time for you to get noticed and regain your significance. It’s time for you to regain control be noticed. Discover how to use ONLINE MARKETING to get EVERYTHING you want RIGHT NOW in business and life. bit.ly/1nMuOMQ
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:35:20 +0000

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