Hey Don Klinestiver ... liberals ... you might want to hear this - TopicsExpress


Hey Don Klinestiver ... liberals ... you might want to hear this ... Nit picking?? Bill OReilly ... says we should quit nitpicking Obama ... and give him a break .. Hey Bill ... Youre an over opinionated jerk ... take it from me ... it takes one to know one .... Here is Obamas break ... a simple diatribe from an American that he (Obama) does NOT know OR even CARE ABOUT ... Hes gonna get off easy ... Here we go ... ..And these are his GOOD qualities ... Obama is a hideous, despicable, fraudulent, arrogant, sadistic, power besotted BULLY ... DELIBERATE and SYSTEMATIC LIAR ... ... a man without principle ... .. In favor of short term hedonism and nihilistic of morality in ALL areas ... ... a hater of THRIFT ... ... Created the framework to make our country a Muslim enclave to liquidate Christians .... ...Imperialist ... ... Anti-Semite, fascist .. ...Supporter of the most cruel and inhumane termination of the unborn ... Am I leaving anything out?? Oh yeah ... LEAVES OUR SOLDIERS TO DIE ALONE .. And remember .... ...those ARE his GOOD qualities .. On top of that he has the IRS pursuing conservatives ... the NSA has probably already made a note of this post, and if ANY of you really sat down to figure out how many JOBS the government has created versus the ones they destroyed you might realize that the destruction of America from within is what this man is all about ... I mean, cmon ...!!!!!!!!!!!! Its HARD to keep a good American down ... but ... Obama is keeping us down by printing 85 billion a month and GIVING it to Wall Street ... Its called Quantitative EASING... look it up ... EASING for THEM ... HARD for US .. ... And by making laws like Obamacare that squelch job growth by PENALIZING small businesses that have around 50 employees ... and keeping BIG businesses from growing by CUTTING THE HOURS of full time employees so that they wont have to pay for their healthcare ... pjmedia/blog/bill-oreilly-on-obama-give-the-guy-a-break/
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:59:15 +0000

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