Hey Everybody: I am going to be transparent and share something in - TopicsExpress


Hey Everybody: I am going to be transparent and share something in hopes that it will help someone else. I will start by saying that I am an extremely busy individual. I know what its like to be so busy that its difficult to do everything in a day- it doesnt seem as if there is enough time. Anyway, due to my schedule and priorities I typically stay to myself and my small circle of friends/family. Lately, despite time Ive attempted to make new friends and step out of my comfort zone! However, quite a few of the few that I have attempted have not be as successful as I would have liked and caused great disappointment and hurt. Ive experienced lack of response in phone calls and text messages. Truth be told its bothered me a great deal- and being ignored doesnt feel good. If an individual has time to post on social media then certainly they can respond briefly if they consider themselves a true friend. One of the reasons why Ive kept my circle small is because others have not proven themselves to be as loyal and genuine therefore my expectation of them was higher than maybe they were aware. In the past my friendships have been one side and unbalanced with me doing all the work to call and check on others, but thats not friendship at all and it took me to get to this point to realize that I need mutually benefiting relationships. In conclusion, my reason for posting this is not to vent but mainly to say that maybe I have done the same to others at some point in time and I want to apologize to anyone who felt some type of way at my failure to communicate especially when you may have had expectations of me. From the bottom of my heart I ask for forgiveness and I am making an effort to communicate and be a better friend. Over the course of a few weeks Ive seen and heard of people at various ages who have passed away- therefore my advice to anyone that reads this post is to know that you may be important to someone. Someone could be in your life to add to it- dont ignore or overlook them, use discernment but embrace them if you are able and cherish them. Life is too short!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:41:32 +0000

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