Hey Everyone - I just sent this to 165 IL newspapers spread the - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone - I just sent this to 165 IL newspapers spread the word!! Dear Editor: Hello, my name is Virginia Hamann, President of ‘No Illiana 4 Us’, the bi-state grassroots Non For Profit Corporation whose mission is - we are a group of concerned citizens that are opposed to the proposed Illiana Tollroad fighting for the No Build Option and improvement of existing infrastructure. I am writing to bring awareness to EVERY Taxpayer in the State of Illinois prior to the upcoming CRITICAL Election. Many of us in the Direct Path of the Proposed Illiana Tollroad are well aware of what the project entails. However, in many areas of Illinois it is being misreported by IDOT what the project means to EVERY Taxpayer in the State of Illinois. As our World continues to change & be engaged in ever increasing turmoil & conflicts. We as a Region, State & Nation must become more self-sufficient & self-sustaining & less dependent on foreign countries for our food sources. IDOT has proposed a roadway project from I-55 to I-65 in Indiana. Due to Illinois dire financial situation the project was to be a P3 – Private/Public/Partnership. But at a recent IDOT sponsored investor Fair, it came out that NO Investor is willing to take the financial guarantee of the proposed project that Crain’s , the Tollway Authority, CMAP Board, ELPC, Openlands, Sierra Club, No Illiana 4 US, and multiple other Groups have coined a “Boondoogle & Run Away Train Project”. Our current Governor has repeatedly pushed to make the ILLIANA Tollroad the #1 road project in the state in front of EVERY other project, regardless how important other road projects may be. This project has also been pushed as a ‘Jobs’ project although in Oct.’13 former IDOT Secretary, Ann Schneider (whom has since resigned due to scandal) stated that the Illiana Tollroad would only produce 894 long term jobs. NEVER has this proposed project properly taken into consideration the detrimental effect this road will have on Agriculture, The land in Will County, Illinois is not only rich in soil but rich in heritage of farmers whom for generations have as good stewards of our land poured their blood, sweat & tears into this rich land to reap the rewards of their hard work at harvest time and pass on the ART of being GOOD STEWARDS to the next generation. This way of life and hard work has been passed on for over 175 years in this region. The Illiana would destroy between 3000-6000 acres as well as affecting hundreds of businesses and destroying far more jobs than the 894 long term jobs, that former MPO Chair Ann Schneider stated the Illiana would produce. In addition to destroying Valuable Midwest Farmland the Illiana would have the ‘Berlin Wall’ effect on ALL the rural communities it will divide and sever as well as adding hours more time, fuel and work to deliver our commondities to the elevators and markets, contrary to what IDOT is touting & stating. The Illiana would also commit RURAL GENOCIDE on the community of Symerton leaving only 2 homes of a population of 106 according to local residents. I implore EVERY REGISTERED VOTER IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS to find out where your elected representatives stand on the proposed Illiana project and VOTE THEM OUT if they support this financially unstable boondoggle project that will fall on the backs of EVERY TAXPAYER in the State of Illinois if it comes to fruition. IDOT & the State of Illinois could put plenty of people to work by simply repairing, maintaining & upgrading it’s existing infrastructure that is in DEPLORABLE condition receiving a D it’s reportcard. GET OUT & VOTE , STOP THIS POLITICALLY MOTIVATED PROJECT THAT WILL COST US ALL. Sincerely, Virginia Hamann – Pres. ‘No Illiana 4 US’ NFP corp.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:38:45 +0000

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