Hey Everyone! By now you may or may not have heard that GCF has - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone! By now you may or may not have heard that GCF has decided to let me go. I have been transitioning into a family pastor position and it is a position that they can no longer afford. I am extremely grateful for the last nine years at Grace. They have been the most rewarding of my life in terms of ministry. I truly love each and every person I have had the opportunity to work with in ministry. Each and every leader, please know that this was way beyond ministry for me with each one of you. I view you guys as friends and family and love you like that as well. Thanks for making me look better than I really am. God has worked through each one of you in a mighty way and it has been great to see what he has done in and through you all. Students! We have been a part of creating something great! That is a tremendous testimony to what you guys have done. Many of you know how far we have come in the past several years. Some of you have personally seen your friends coming to know Christ, students take on leadership roles, former students coming back to lead small groups, and students growing in Christ. Our God is amazing, and He will continue to be amazing! To those of you that I have been to Hume with in the past! I will never forget the amazing times that we had together. From the laughs, to the tears, the conversations, the students getting it for the first time, and the baptisms. Some of the best times of my life were spent on that mountain with you guys! Now, to my juniors and seniors, I hope this does not offend anyone, but in all my years in youth ministry you are my favorite group of students of all time! I am not sure another class has gotten it so much. Many of you have said that I have had a huge impact on your life, trust me when I say that the feeling is mutual. You have impacted me far more than you will ever know! Love you all! #staysalty #liveloved
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 04:24:04 +0000

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