Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is having a happy and successful - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone! I hope everyone is having a happy and successful day today! We often get a lot of questions from supporters about not hearing from their soldiers. So I thought I would talk about the “silent soldiers” today and also some letter ideas for when you draw a blank when writing your soldiers! So here we go... AAUSS does not guarantee that you will hear from your soldier. These men/women are working 14 hour days, working in life threatening situations, and usually have little to no internet access. Keep in mind we are at WAR!!! We do have many wonderful military personnel who do their best to keep in contact with their supporters and I know myself and many, MANY supporters have developed wonderful lasting friendships with the people they support. Always know that the weekly letters, whether you hear from them or not, are needed and making a huge impact. You bring a little bit of sunshine to a dreary situation. Think of it this way...have you ever got an unexpected letter or package from someone. Your face lights up, you rush inside to open it to see what’s inside, and your heart is full of thankfulness for this small gesture. Now imagine how this feels to someone thousands of miles away from the ones they love, where death, exhausting days, and frustration follow them around everywhere they go. ...and then they hear their name at mail call...someone cares is what your letter says just by landing in their hands. YOU are that light, so please continue your letters of joy for those who protect us day in and day out and ask for nothing in return. Even if you never get to see the joy, or the smile it’s there shinning across the miles, a heart full of happiness because of your letters. For those times that you wonder what to write or how to keep up your motivation here are some ideas, remember to keep it fun! It will help them and you improve your daily mood!: 1. About your day: It may seem boring to you, but to our military it’s something away from their day to day. So I say write about that funny thing your boss/kid said, or that weird trick your pet just picked up or even that crazy guy at the local grocery store that tried to hug you today (yea it happens lol) 2. The weather: I don’t know about everyone else but the weather in MI is ridiculous this year and I have lots of weather stories to go around! Plus it’s nice for them to know what it’s like back home. 3. Favorite vacation: I have only been on a couple recent vacations but I loved them all. I love talking about them even a year+ later...(I totally got to hold a black bear cub on my last vaca!) So they get to hear all about past and upcoming vacations. Don’t forget those postcards while on vacation! 4. Favorite place to go: My favorite place to go it right on my deck. I love the scenery, and the 15 bird feeders and the billion birds (ok a little exaggeration) that visit them. They hear all about my birds and all of them have loved it! 5. Pictures: (keep ‘em clean peeps!) Who doesn’t love seeing pictures!? I send pictures of the birds at my feeders, the squirrels and chipmunks and their crazy antics, my pets, my family, and even the albino raccoon that sometime frequents my feeders at night and seems to think it’s a large cat. 6. Funny/happy news stories: Did you just read a story that made you LOL? Write why it made you laugh and include it in your letter. Sometimes it just touches your heart and maybe it will theirs too! I love animal stories, they always make me aww and my guys/gals haven’t complained about it so I think they like them too! 7. Meals: Did you just make the most incredible dessert ever (I say dessert because it’s my favorite). Take a picture and brag a little about it! 8. Upcoming care package: did you decide to do a theme package but you had to order stuff first? Give them a hint letter but don’t give it away, it will give them something to look forward to and be excited about! 9. Favorite sport: Do you have a favorite sport or did your soldier put that info in their comments. Look up stories about their team or info about your favorite team and why they are more awesome than the rest hehe... 10. Random things through the mail: for those who missed my rubber ducky post last week scroll down it’s worth the look. I sent a rubber ducky through the mail with a to/from address written on it and 4 stamps. It totally made it, he didn’t know it was coming, and everyone got a good laugh. Your purchase may or may not make it going this route and my post office personnel thought I was crazy (Now who’s laughing!). So in another words choose something cheap that you won’t mind if it gets lost in the mail system. A toy from the dollar store, a Frisbee, etc... and address it like a letter, have it weighted at the post office and put stamps based on weight. Most of all remember that you are needed. Whether you hear from your soldier or not. YOU are important and appreciated! Keep up your hard work and never get discouraged because you are making a difference in someone’s life that is thousands of miles away and that is something to be proud of all by itself. Feel free to post your favorite letter ideas below! Happy days all! ---Tara AAUSS Admin
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:11:23 +0000

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