Hey Everyone! Thanks for coming through to our campaign! We - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone! Thanks for coming through to our campaign! We finally got the land...and we are now hosting a free Childrens program every Saturday right here at the Luquillo Farm Sanctuary! What we really need is the funding to get a jump start so that we can create some more infrastructure within the farm. We have been seeking grants, however you know how long that takes. We are ready now! We have a host of volunteers and professional farmers ready and able to start working. We need tools, seeds, and other supplies to get this ball rolling. We also are ready to offer a summer program this summer...but this was dependant on getting a grant from the local government. We are actually sitting here still waiting...and who has time for that! We got children to teach, food to grow and lives to be fulfilled! With your donation of literally anything from $10 to $1000...we will be able • to buy materials to build a small out door kitchen so that we can feed our Energy Exchangers (Volunteers) • get a bunch of seedlings to get in the ground...now is the best time • Get several tools that we are in dire need of: wheel barrows, hoes, pitchforks, shovels...pretty much everything...its like right now we have one of everything and we need more because we have more people who want to participate • Make a roof on one of the buildings on the land so that we can catch water • Buy a few 200 gallon cisterns, once again so we can water the plants....The roof water catchment can actually feed the cisterns • Offer some scholarships to students who want to come to the Summer Camp...approximately 4 if we are fully funded...and more if we make more than our goal. That is really all we need help with right now. We got the land...and we are ready. Hoping to use this summer and the next few months to create a small summer camp and also to get lots of starters in the ground. Next summer we hope to offer Puerto Ricos only summer sleepaway camp on the island. Donate Here:...
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:10:16 +0000

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