Hey Everyone, We are aware of Jari Mäenpääs recent - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone, We are aware of Jari Mäenpääs recent statement on his current situation and business experiences with Nuclear Blast regarding the most anticipated Wintersun album TIME II. We highly appreciate the massive response that this statement caused as it once again proves how much the Metal community cares about their fellow metalheads, especially the musicians that go through many hardships to give us what we all enjoy the most: A good blast of METAL. We have always been Metal fans at heart and continue to strive for the same goal we have since the formation of Nuclear Blast 27 years ago: to support our artists the best way possible and to get the music everybody deserves out to our fans worldwide. With this being said, the business side of music can often be rough and especially with a project as extensive as the TIME series, compromises have to be made to make an album both beautiful and feasible for all parties involved - the musicians, the fans and the label. This process includes many details that should not be discussed in public as debates sometimes get heated and misunderstandings occur, but we take great pride in the relationship with our artists until this day. Be assured that we all love Wintersun as much as you do. Nobody at Nuclear Blast wants to see them gone and we are working together with Jari and his management to find the optimal solution for his concerns. Stay true, Nuclear Blast
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:01:57 +0000

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