Hey Everyone! so we had transfers and i am.........staying in - TopicsExpress


Hey Everyone! so we had transfers and i am.........staying in Madison Lake Branch and Elder Schow got transferred so my new companion is Elder Geist he is from Idaho, i already knew him cause we have been in the same district before when i first came out, it will be an interesting companionship cause we dont talk much to each other, cause we dont have to much to talk about but when we do it is funny! or serious (like about the area). I got my flu shot last week and the lady giving me the shot said i dont think i got any blood on your shirt then i roll down my sleeve and there were three blood stains on my shirt and she was like I am so sorry and i said no worries i got plenty of this white shirts haha and it looked like a just fought some one cause of the three blood stains haha. We got permission to got to the haunted backwoods for P-day but they were closed on Wednesday! so we could not go and i really wanted to go!, only if P-day was Monday that week! haha so funny story me and Elder Geist had to bless the sacrament and after it was all passed and done we went to go cover up the water and then the bread was uncovered so we tried it again and then the water was uncovered so we thought maybe the rest of the cloth is tucked under the bread but we could not find it or figure out what happened, the cloth could on cover one thing so arter a litte bit of trying to figure this out and everyone is waiting for us and so people were laughing cause i heard them and i was chuckling to haha we grabbed the bread trays and put them under the second cloth cause there is more then one cloth used for the sacrament so we put them under the second cloth and covered the water, it was funny and really awkward, i dont know what happened to make it end up that way. Dove we can not contact, she has been ignoring us the past like 2 weeks and JD is doing well still wants to be baptized but wont come to church ugh! we are trying though. We are teaching this former investigator cause she got back in contact with missionaries and we met with her and talked to her, i think she wants to convert us to her church cause the sister missionaries put on her teaching record she said she was trying to convert us and we talked about our beliefs and her beliefs and she told us I dont expect you to believe what i say right away she is a 19 year old girl named Anna and she graduated same year as me in 2013 so it will be interesting teaching her haha, Elder Geist said i know we shouldnt bash but i want to bash with her so bad, cause i think we can win haha it was a funny comment. I love you all! I know that the Savior loves each and everyone of you! and so does our Heavenly Father! Stay strong! and keep pressing forward! holing on to the iron rod! “Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.” ― President Gordon B. Hinckley To be or not to be? That is not the question. What is the question? The question is not one of being, but of becoming. To become more or not to become more This is the question faced by each intelligence in our universe.” ― Truman G. Madsen “Every one of us is more beloved than we can possibly understand or imagine. Let us therefore be kinder to one another and kinder to ourselves.” ―Elder Robert D. Hales Love Elder Paulsen
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:04:21 +0000

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