Hey FOX News heres to you Bone Heads. Bet you clowns havent - TopicsExpress


Hey FOX News heres to you Bone Heads. Bet you clowns havent bothered to report the USAF buying up 13....yes 13 Nissan LEAF 100% Electric Cars to test how Electric Cars can store and share energy back to and for the Grid. Lord knows you clowns havent bothered to report how in 2011 a USMC Infantry Company took Solar Panels to Afghanistan and was a much more effective fighting force because of it. Heard it on NPR in 2011. Just why would anyone trust a news agency named after a very sly and crafty stalker of innocent vegetarian hens in the night is quite beyond me. Perhaps the FOX News audience can consider themselves a part of John Cleeses discussion here..Fat Heads!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 06:21:57 +0000

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