Hey Facebook friends and family, it has almost been one year since - TopicsExpress


Hey Facebook friends and family, it has almost been one year since the last time I made a post so I figured Id fill you in on whats been going on in my life lately. In January 2013 I had the pleasure of being the cinematographer for Veerendra Prasad and his upcoming feature film Consideration. During one of our car rides to set Prasad mentioned Film Independent and their artist development program, Project Involve. I applied and much to my surprise I was accepted. To say that the conversation I had with Prasad that day was life-changing would be an understatement. For the last six months I have been a fellow of an artist development program titled Project Involve which is part of an organization named Film Independent. It is the same organization that puts together the Los Angeles Film Festival and the Independent Spirit Awards. Project Involve has provided me with many amazing opportunities such as meetings with HBO executives and being assigned an established cinematographer as a career mentor in addition to many other opportunities. The program culminates in the production of 6 short films which will ultimately be screening at a Los Angeles Film Festival event. I have the honor of shooting two of these projects which after their initial premiere will be pushed out to the industry showcasing the skills of Project Involves fellows. I am writing this post to see if you would be willing to contribute to Counter, one of the films I am shooting next month. Counter is a story set in the 1940s and follows Bayard Rustin, a largely unknown mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. who is often referred to as the backbone of the Civil Rights Movement. Counter is about Rustin staging a one-man sit-in in a restaurant demanding that he be treated like a human-being, just like everyone else that walks through the door. My personal funding goal is $1000 and I have already secured a significant portion of it but I am still coming up short. If you could make a contribution of any amount I would greatly appreciate it. Really, any amount will go a long way. We already have the majority of the funding to produce the film from various donors but we need more to help ensure the film has a future past its initial premiere. Here is a link to a video of the production team talking about the film: https://vimeo/90241741 You can find a document explaining our project in more detail at the following link: alan-torres/post/misc/counter/counter-film_info.pdf You can contribute to Counter via credit card or check. To make a contribution via credit card go to https://my.filmindependent.org/SupportPI If you choose to contribute through this link make sure you choose Counter as the film you are supporting. The PDF document in the link above contains directions for contributing via check. Finally, the following link is a letter from the manager of my mentorship explaining what Project Involve is and has the info needed to ensure your donation can be used as a tax deduction. alan-torres/post/misc/counter/counter-nonprofit_letter.pdf Thank you again! Alan Torres
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:34:40 +0000

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