Hey Facebookers. This beautiful morning (for handling a situation - TopicsExpress


Hey Facebookers. This beautiful morning (for handling a situation in the best way I thought to be proper), I was placed in a Roller Coaster conversation, so I need some serious advice, Cyber Family. (PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY BECAUSE SOME DAY, YOU TOO COULD BE FACED WITH THE SAME ISSUE.) And please be frank & honest with me; no protection is needed today. HERE IS ONE OF FEW INSTANCES YOU CAN TAKE OFF YOUR GLOVES. In all of my learning of Cyberspace 101: The Do’s and Don’ts, including legalities thereof, I learned that one should always be discreet AND on the same page when sending out emails and all other forms of electronic communication. On that fundamental premise, here goes: As one of the Public Relations Officers for the group Virgin Islands United for Social Justice & Accountability, I recently sent out a polite request for sensitive government information. Many official persons were cc’ed on the email. However, one recipient took the liberty of selecting certain government officials listed on the email she already has a gripe with and sent them-- in my opinion-- quite a disparagingly-toned email of her own, separately and apart from the group’s concerns BUT SHE ATTACHED IT TO OURS, which may have given off the impression that we move the same. SEE SENDER’S WORDS VERBATIM with sender’s info omitted here to protect her: “Good Day…………. I would like to ask you a few questions. 1. Do you normally advice ….. not to answer public record requests of any kind? …… seems to show a consistent pattern of not adhering to record requests/which violates the law. 2. Did you sit in front or in back of you classes while in law school and what was your GPA? If you in fact give them this BAD advice, …… needs to consider other legal counsel. 3. People who pretend to be doctors or not very good doctors are called Quacks, what is the name for a legal counsel who gives their clients bad advice? 4. If your GPA was in fact higher than a 60%...my question is did you purchase those grades? ……. is a disgrace and I overstand why ……… are in the situation they are currently in. With alleged leadership that demonstrates a disregard for the law, what do we expect …….? ….....every man/woman shall surely reap what they sow.... …………, please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience to discuss the above questions if you like. ………. has already proven, she lacks good business ethics. I would love to speak to a bar card member any day. Have a wonderful day.” (NOW, although I respect all positions held & told the sender so, with THAT Kind of TONE HOW CAN WE REALLY GET ANY REQUEST MET WITH IT? BUT OTHERS SAY WE CAN SAY WHATEVER WE WANT, HOWEVER WE WANT, AS LONG AS IT’S TRUE. Idk about that. I have never seen it work. Have you?) Upon sight of that language APPENDED TO OUR EMAIL, I IMMEDIATELY CALLED HER and posed my position on behalf of the group and told her I would be undoing what damage her tone may have done; a tone which may have come off as rogue. She said: 1.) go ahead; 2.) she was sorry to have sent her email attached to ours; and 3.) she will soon contact the persons too. In doing so with a very balanced response on behalf of the group, I was later accused of: lying on her; that she had never told me she would soon contact the recipients to clear up any misconstrued connections. Then, to make matters worse, without first notifying me AS I HAD HER, she AGAIN emailed the same persons she had just insulted to tell them I am a liar! Me: me who lies on no one. Me who lives by speaking the truth with respect, jokes with courtesy only IF deemed appropriate, or stay quiet. So once again I had to submit another well-balanced response on behalf of the group. It will be my last of such responses and the chips will just have to fall where they must. Well sah!!!! What a morning to have. Do you think it was right or OK of her to send her email as a thread within ours, or should it have been sent completely separate? Would you take an email written from or to your boss, note a contact of interest thereon, and then contact that person(s) along with your boss’ email attached? I find that to be wrong on so many levels. Am I making too much of this? What should I have done differently? What would you have? What would you do if this experience gets out of control? Would you not care if it happened from an email YOU responsibly sent out? What say you?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:42:46 +0000

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