Hey Fbf I thought ill share yesterdays word it seems to be - TopicsExpress


Hey Fbf I thought ill share yesterdays word it seems to be appropriate I spoke to a few people today and its confirmation the word I gave was right on time thank u God . The title was What does it mean to trust God? Scripture Proverbs 3/5-7 Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in always acknowledge him and he will direct your path . Dont be wise in your own eyes ; fear the lord and shun evil What does it mean to trust God in ______? You fill in the blank we gonna call this the trust God Gap. Some of your answer might be . What does it mean to trust God with my relationship my job someone who mistreat me ? Someone who lies to me? With my money with time etc. I dont know what u will put on the blank but the good news is God provides direction to our question in the scripture above Proverbs 3/5-7 so what Solomon is saying in the scripture is Trust in the lord with all your heart the word Trust is obedience another way is to submit your heart in full obedience to God . Lean not to your own understanding mean for instance picture yourself propping yourself up to lean on a curtain when u lean you tend to fall back theres no stability is there ? According to Solomon mans wisdom or understanding cannot support the weight of our lives as we lean against him in full trust just as the curtain mans wisdom is like the curtain wavy unstable its simple to Waverly to prop our lives upon. In all ways acknowledge HIM when Solomon says acknowledge Him hes not telling cause we go to church for an hour of 2 or saying grace over our dinner Gods not looking for a wink of the eye or tip of the hat or your sorry thank you sometimes instead God wants us to invite him into every area of our lives. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is an act of recognizing Gods full lordship he is the king of all kings the Most high God in our lives . He will direct your path straight see we tend to pick a Path and expect God to approve it thats not how God works rather than picking a Path for God Bless it God has already chosen a Blessed Path and when we learn to Trust him and lean on him and acknowledge him his Path becomes more clear God doesnt bless our Path he blesses his Path and invite us to walk on it Dont be wise in your own eyes im not sure if your really reading what Im writing so im gonna write it again LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTAND dont be wise in your own eyes . Lastly Fear the Lord and Shun Evil see fbf Fear doesnt mean being Scared The word FEAR means Respect God his wisdom and his ways and to Shun Evil means to avoid everything that brings a wedge between you and God Through Love and Faithfulness Sin is amend the fear of the Lord man avoids Evil Another one of the best scripture in the bible there is of someone who Trust God is Job . Job was a very wealthy man who lost everything if Job wouldve answered our Trust God Gap hed say What does it mean to trust God when you lose everything ? That another word but I invite you to read the Book of Job I pray I really gave you a reason you should Trust Lean Not on your Own Acknowledge God walk his path and never LEAN on your Own understanding Fear the Lord and Shun EVIL May you read this word and ask yourself the question What does it mean to trust God in ______? GOD BLESS YOU ALL LOVE YOU ALL
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:09:09 +0000

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