Hey Friends, The Subterranean Arthouse - TopicsExpress


Hey Friends, The Subterranean Arthouse (subterraneanarthouse.org) is transitioning to a new collective model in January and is seeking members! The Subterranean Arthouse has been around for six years hosting and curating a wide variety of dance, music, visual art, and cultural events. In the new model, 10 or so local artists would share the responsibilities and the space, to have events, classes, workshops, rehearsals, and collaboration with each other. Would you like to have access to a beautiful space in downtown Berkeley to do your art practice or host events? Are you interested in joining a community of artists sharing and operating a venue for music, dance, meetings and cultural events? Do you have a performance company looking for a regular place to rehearse? Do you lead classes and are looking for a space to host them? We are seeking diverse group of artists and organizers. Most of our current members plan to use the studio space for movement practices (butoh, contact improvisation, and experimental theater), classes, rehearsals, performance salons, shows, and somatic study. We plan to turn the downstairs space into a co-working space for art making, such as visual art, crafts, set design. Other possible projects that have been thrown around are: pop-up store, monthly cabaret shows, butoh showcases, storytelling, hanging art on the walls, political meetings, fundraisers, co-working, and more. One share pays $200 and receives about 10 hours of studio time per week and access to weekend evenings. We are looking for individuals interested in a 4 month contract to start so that we can make plans for the space. We are looking for members who are versed in graphic design, publicity, and grant writing. Visual artists, artisan guilds, political organizers, performance artists we are looking for you. It is a strong possibility that we will continue the Subterranean Arthouse’s current 501c3 relationship giving us grant writing opportunities. This is an uncommon opportunity because much of the infrastructural organizing is done, and the Subterranean Arthouse already has relationships with many artists in the local and international community, an internet presence, and a substantial mailing list. It is a chance to teach classes, meet, host discussions, rehearse, make work, and show it at an affordable price. When no one from the collective is hosting an event, it is a chance to curate exciting and experimental work in Berkeley. We are hoping to make this transition in the next few months, and such a vision requires immediate action. If you are interested in becoming a part of this collective, we need to hear from you now. There would be some financial investment, but ideally it would be made affordable by virtue of the collective. This and many other details can be explored through group conversation. Please step forward if you are interested in such conversations. We are available to hear what you would like to bring, to give you more details, and to address your concerns. Please contact: Jote Mahern jotemahern@gmail Rhishikesh Limaye rhishi@gmail Send us a bit about yourself and your motivation to work with a collective to get the conversation rolling. A few specific dates, in case you want to check in then: Interviews with interested people between now and January 17 Meet the Current Members: Tuesday, January 6, 7-9pm Collective Visioning and Governance Lock-in: Mid January Thank you The SubT Collective
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:00:11 +0000

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