Hey Guys, Im trying to organize a 40k campaign so I thought Id - TopicsExpress


Hey Guys, Im trying to organize a 40k campaign so I thought Id start by writing the back story for all the forces to be in play, read it and comment what you think. Im open to suggestions for how to set it up and rules and such. Hope you guys like it. Space wolves: While most of their forces battled Chaos at the Cadia Gate, The Great Wolf never forgot about the enemies far away. Taking note of the forces protecting Cadia, Logan Grimnar sent out the 5th Company to the distant reaches of the galaxy to protect the emperor’s citizens who had been abandoned by their government. Wolf Lord _______________was reluctant to leave the battle of Cadia to his brothers, knowing that even they are in for a hard battle and that even a company of Space Wolves will be sorely missed. But he would never disobey the Great Wolf and his decisions. He made sure that final preparations were done and that they were well equipped for anything to come. The area he and his company were heading was on the edge of Tau space and new that a large offensive from the Tau would put too much strain on the Imperium at the moment. Wolf Lord_______________ knew why he was chosen for this task, being a veteran of a number of battles against the Tau, he knew they were not to be taken lightly. While in the heat of close combat they fell to pieces, but their overwhelming firepower made sure that few made to their front lines. There was no designated base of operations for them, so they needed a planet that could be well defended and wasn’t new to war against the Tau. There base would be on Aestas Aeternum. Orks: Orks: Getting bored with the their fight against the Tau, Warboss TanKilla decided to move on to an enemy more fun. When Tankilla first encountered the Tau, who had little knowledge of the Orks and tried to ally with them. Tau TanKilla remembered their Airbassadur or something and him talking. All TanKilla heard was: Blah blah blah. Then a voice in his head said, Kill the grey umie. Sounding like a perfect plan thats what he did. Which started this big fight with these Tau people, which Warboss TanKilla wasnt very happy about because the Tau never wanted to get into the thick of the fight. Every time the Orks got to the Tau, they would run away. This frustrated TanKilla and he went around killing about a mob of boyz before he stomped off. This is where he found Big Mek Gibbinzgrobber, who told Warboss TanKilla that he knew the revered tellyporta teknology that Orkimedes designed and could recreate it. This was jus great! Thought TanKilla, but what did Gibbinzgrobber want in return? Gibbinzgrobber told TanKilla that if he wanted to use his tellyporta teknology for his army, he would have to abandon his fight against the Tau (which was very easy for him to do), and invade the planet of Aestus Aeturnem. Necrons: A Large Tomb World slumbers underneath the largest continent of Aestas Aeternum, and very close to the largest city on Aestas Aeternum. Yet it has not awakened even though it was due for resurrection thousands of years ago and most likely damaged from earth quakes and the common natural disaster. It would go Unnoticed and undisturbed if it weren’t for Anrakyr the Traveller making contact with the Tomb’s Canoptek relays and discovering the error… Dark Angels or Grey Knights? I want Dark Angels: Chaos Space Marines: Led by Chaos Lord ________________, and “assisted” by Ahriman (for his own mysterious reasons unknown to Chaos Lord________) are on their way to Aestas Aeternum to uncover an ancient weapon that could tip the balance of the war at Cadia’s Gate in the Dark Gods Favor. They bring with them abominations from the warp, and some of the Imperiums most hated foes. Ahriman brings with him his personal retinue of Thousand Sons, not just for protection though. Ahriman knows the Necrons are on Aestas Aeternum, but he isn’t planning on just pillaging the Necron’s tomb for random bits of ancient information. Based on his previous encounters with other Necron Tombs, he has learned that a machine might exist there that pull the souls out of it’s victims, which Ahriman had learned was used by the C’tan during Biotransference to feed on their slaves’ soul energy. What Ahriman pondered as the cruiser sped through the warp was whether or not he could harness this machine the same way the C’tan could, and if he could, how powerful and knowledgeable he would become. Powerful enough to undo the Rubric? If so, that is why he brought them. So they could be the first Thousand Sons to be of flesh and blood in millenias. But, on to Aestas Aeternum he need to go. 1. Imperial Guard/ Astra Militarum: Commander _______________ Oculus had been stationed at Aestas Aeternum for almost 3 years, and since his arrival their stationed number of guard regiments has decreased by 40%, and the standby naval armada has shrunken down to a single orbital defence platform. With these cutbacks to the military, most of the citizens and those serving believe that it is his fault for these reductions. On the contrary, Commander ____________ Oculus had fought tooth and nail to keep all of their forces to stay stationed at Aestas Aeternum in the case of a Tau offensive or the Tyranids. But the Imperium is implacable in its design. Against the Planetary Governor’s opinion, Commander ____________ Oculus has put the planet on high alert, making sure that every single possible situation has been thought of, and figured out how to confront and defeat it. Everything foreign at least, because with this much dictation from such a hated man, some might just turn away from the Emperor and put their trust into more malicious powers to get rid of the commander... Tau: The Tau Empire, after setbacks from the Imperium, Orks (who are still setting them back!), and the Farsight Enclave, are finally ready to begin their 4th phase of conquests. Led by Commander ________________, and empowered by Ethereal ____________, their conquest will expand past what they had previously controlled before Captain Sicarius’ counter strike had thwarted their further expansion. Commander _____________ is leading this expansion not just for his skill with all Tau weaponry and the best Tactical knowledge since Commander Farsight, but also because he was one of the commanders during the 3rd Phase of expansion when they were defeated on Aestas Aeternum by the Space Marines. His first-hand knowledge of their tactica, Commander _____________ also has a personal vendetta with the Imperium of man, and plans to begin his conquests where he failed last time: Aestas Aeternum. Aestas Aeternum: A lush world discovered during the Dark Age of Technology and a shrine world since the Age of the Imperium. Aestas Aeternum is located at the end of the southern arm of the Milky Way and was noted for not being invaded by Hive Fleet Behemoth when the Hive Fleet attacked and absorbed the dozens of worlds around it. There had been a fairly large Imperial Guard presence there since Hive Fleet Behemoth and a larger force post-Demaculus Campaign where Aestas Aeternum was one of the planets that thwarted the Tau. But these forces have been reduced due to the necessity of military power at the Cadia Gate to prevent Abbadon and the lack of a Tau offensive. But by no means is that to say Aestas Aeternum is defenseless. Protected by a Planetary Defense Platform and garrisoned by thousands of Imperial Guard, it is ready to protect itself from all enemies it is aware of…
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:09:18 +0000

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