Hey Guys. This is going to be a long post BUT well worth the read. - TopicsExpress


Hey Guys. This is going to be a long post BUT well worth the read. First I wish all of you a safe, happy, and well rested holidays. Just a few things Id like to share with everyone: 1. 12/1/14 is the deadline to apply to be on an ACA committee. I think this is a great opportunity and an amazing way to network. The application is one page and very seamless. 2. 12/12/14 is the deadline to submit an essay for the ACAF Graduate student essay competition. This is also a good opportunity to get your name out there, and the first prize is $1000!! How can you beat that?! There are also 10 honorable mention slots, so why not go for it? I absolutely love to write so if you decide to do this and would like a second pair of eyes to view/edit your essay let me know. 3. 1/5/2015 is the deadline for the ACA VISTAS online publication submission. They are looking for new/fresh writers to submit an article relevant to the counseling profession email it to [email protected]. 4. The deadline to apply to sit for the April 2015 NCE is 1/23/2015. I took mine on 10/18 and am still awaiting my scores. Passing the NCE while in grad school is cheaper when applying for the NCC and gets it out of the way while the information is still fresh. 5. I canNOT express enough the importance of contacting HEAD PERSONNEL in reference to field experience issues. I emailed/phoned back and forth with academic advising and coordinators, and nearly lost my mind. Emailing/calling the director [sure hes going to get me for this lol] got the results I wanted and needed. I had an interview on 10/27 and was able to submit all paperwork to begin my winter internship by 10/31. This was only possible because the persons in charge set those provisions. I know this is information overload but I want to share everything that I know with you all so that we might grow together. I know we only spent a week together, but in that small amount of time I grew to care deeply for all of you and I want all of us to do well in this program, as well as, in our personal and professional lives. Okay Im done being sobby. Happy holidays and good luck.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 23:31:09 +0000

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