Hey Guys, just wanted to reach out and let everybody know I love - TopicsExpress


Hey Guys, just wanted to reach out and let everybody know I love you, I appreciate you all more than you know and Im praying for you each and every one of you through this time. I know how hard it is to stand strong and unshaken when it feels like the world is standing against you. How hard it is to let harsh words, lies and insults just roll off your back without penetrating your heart. But I truly believe that through all of this, no matter how hard it may be at the moment, we will come out on the other side stronger, closer, more united, and more able to make a positive impact on the world around us. My dad once told me, troubles will come, people with ill intentions will rise against you at every front, youre not responsible for the evil they do, only your response to it. In the end every persons true character will be brought to light. Those left standing amidst the ashes when its all said and done with, will be those who never let their own integrity and dignity waver despite the severity of the storm around them. Dont lose hope guys! Keep your heads up! This too will pass. And when it does each of us will be ten times the person we were when we went in! One of my favorite scriptures is James 1. It says Count it for joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance have its perfect work in your life, that you may be full and complete, lacking nothing. Situations like this may be hard, but when we understand that the days hardship is producing perseverance in us, giving us the ability to stand stronger, love harder, dream bigger... Then we get to a point we welcome the trial! We see it, count it for joy and say Bring it on! My encouragement to each of you is this... Dont let your heart be troubled. If youve lost a friend because of the trial before you, be glad! Because if they were truly your friend they wouldve never turned their back on you to begin with. Be thankful for each persons true colors that are revealed, before you deepened that relationship and bring even further hurt into your life. Be thankful for those who choose to leave and betray you when its thin, because you would never be able to depend on them when its thick. I urge you all stand tall, keep your heads high, your faith strong, dont waver in doing the right thing, so that when all these false accusations are brought against you, you can stand unshaken with pride and honor knowing you never once sacrificed your integrity in the midst of someone elses evil. Misery loves company, those who are unhappy want you to join them. But only you can make the choice to join them. Remember that success and happiness is the greatest revenge. Those who wish to see you fall will tremble in anger at your contentment, at your perseverance because they want what you have, but dont realize only they can give it to themselves. Personally I am thankful for those who have come together to unite themselves against me. Because it shows me who is family and who is not. The Bible compares our troubles to gold being refined by fire. A Gold Smith knows that to make the purest gold he has to hold it over the flame. The fire burns out the impurities and the value of the gold increases. These trials are refining us, strengthening us, increasing our worth, and as much as the flame may burn at the moment, hold your head high, knowing tomorrow youll be worth twice as much as today if you can simply endure the flame! #StandStrong!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 23:00:40 +0000

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