Hey Hey Hey It is Wednesday !! And we all know what that means - TopicsExpress


Hey Hey Hey It is Wednesday !! And we all know what that means !!! We have a day that will last a little more than 24 hours,a day that was named after the Mercury (Think about the romance languages) and strangely this year a day that it snowed ! Who would have thunk So today do we discuss a social issue?, a Church issue? perhaps hagiology, perhaps a piece of scripture. How about we go to the beginning. But the beginning of what? How about the beginning of our Jewish heritage. If we are going to start there we of course must start with Abraham, and rightly we shoudl say Abram. As far as I know he was not a tank.. but a man who hailed from the city of Ur. Next obvious question is where? It is now Tell el-Muqayyar in southern Iraq. There is a area of land called the fertile crescent which follows the Tigris and the Euphrates and tuns down towards the Nile River. We know from history books ( I believe even today they teach this) that Egypt and Mesopotamia were great cultures at this time. And obviously there were trade routes. Abram would have been a wanderer and quite possibly part of the trade system. (No signs along that way Abram slept here) So it was along these trade routes that Abram would have heard the word of our God. We have all seen movies of middle eastern culture and of course it has been hollywooded but we can certainly envision a man heading through this fertile crescent heading off the Egypt to trade for other goods, bargaining and trading along the way. So start here at the end of Chapter 10 of Genesis. You can find out about our ancient ancestor from which the three great religions have sprung. Pay attention to those little details... (they be important) Read a few chapters and see what things you can find that are in your church/synagogue/temple this weekend. Youll be amazed at how much is there. Have a blessed day. Be good, play nice Think God !
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:13:59 +0000

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