Hey Jon Stewart, Id like to issue you a challenge. Have me on - TopicsExpress


Hey Jon Stewart, Id like to issue you a challenge. Have me on The Daily Show and Im convinced Ill be able to prove that you would have done the same as Officer Darren Wilson if placed in a similar predicament. Ill provide you with an actual police-issued firearm. It will be loaded with non-lethal simunition. I will be unarmed. You will have your security team exit the building and give all staffers explicit instructions not to intervene regardless of what occurs next. Afterward, we will stand a few feet apart, with you holding the handgun. I, a mere 185lb, unarmed white man, will be given three minutes to try and persuade you to shoot me. If you resist firing upon me, you win. If you do shoot me, I will have made my point. p.s. I will also require a signed document wherein youll agree not to press assault charges or file a lawsuit(s) reference any temporary or permanent injuries you might incur. Ill extend this same invitation to any reporter with the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, Yahoo News, The Huffington Post, etc. I dont imagine any of these know-it-all talking heads will take me up on my offer--which also proves my point.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:24:25 +0000

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