Hey, Kath, I just finished watching the news coverage of your - TopicsExpress


Hey, Kath, I just finished watching the news coverage of your press conference today. Either you are not in cognitive control of your verbiage and have become just a mouthpiece for the army you pretend to command or you are a LIAR! Either of these is scary for the people of Bergen County. Youre a lawyer, right? That required a lot of schooling. One would think that you would be educated enough to use the proper terminology when speaking to the media. Or, Youre just a LIAR! a LIAR purposely attempting to scare your constituents. Armored Tank is reiterated over and over by you. Again, youre either misinformed by your General or you purposefully LIED to the NYC metro area media to further your own agenda. Armored Tank is purposely uttered by you to scare the people of Bergen County. Is it not? Now, lets be honest (who am I kidding, you, honest?). Hopefully, if your thinking for yourself these days, youd damn sure know that TANK implies an offensive vehicle equipped with cannons and weaponry and the like. And thats what you wanted to sell to the public. A blatant lie to further your political agenda An MRAP has no offensive capabilities. But you know that, right? You do know that, right? Right? Or, even scarier for the people of Bergen, you dont. A lot of people are starting to wonder what you really do know these days. You are chauffeured around by armed security under the guise of some threat to your safety. Or, maybe your not able to drive ? You were once a gregarious member of our community. Now you hide behind your Chief of Mouthpiece, er... Staff. Coincidence? more and more people dont think so. Many are starting to believe that you dont think for yourself anymore. Every time you speak in public you are reading from a script. Once again, coincidence? Necessity? You never attend public forums with question and answer sessions yet you vociferously exclaim that you are speaking for the people of Bergen County. How? How can you know what John Q. Public wants from government when everything you hear passes through the filters of Baratta, Higgins, Trawinsky, Marckus and the like? Who am I kidding, though? Youd never respond to my questions. Youve chosen to ignore requests for answers to questions posed by judges, sheriffs, prosecutors and freeholders. Maybe you could convene a meeting of the minds (Or collectively, your mind) and get back to us. Anyway, just thought Id let you know what people are thinking lately. Hey, just for consistencies sake, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU, KATHE. Timmy
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 01:54:12 +0000

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