Hey Ladies, how yall doing? Here is something else the Lord wants - TopicsExpress


Hey Ladies, how yall doing? Here is something else the Lord wants me to share with you. It is true our Father did not create us to be alone and He doesnt want us to be lonely either, but on the other hand, we are not to make idols in our lives. God is a jealous God. Let me tell you about my cousin, she was married with 3 kids. The marriage ended and ever since she has been on the hunt to get married again. Beatin every bush looking for a man, so aggressive in this hunt for a husband. I asked her why you putting yourself out there like that? That is not Gods will for you or any woman. You must understand she was lonely and she got herself worth from being married! First mistake thinking if you have a husband you will feel better about yourself, a man will make you happy! NOT! JOY comes from the Lord, God places on the inside of us and it works its way to the surface of our beings, IF we allow it! Now I know some of you really dont want to be happy, you like sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, poor me and this way you keep the focus on you and how miserable you are because you are all alone! Now you have made getting a husband an Idol in your life, now you are making your own self and Idol too! If you are a daughter of God this is not the life He has planned for you! This is the life you have allowed satan to burden you with! Now if you see yourself in this post and you want realize you need to make changes, well let me tell you want to do, START MAKING THE CHANGES! Let go of that junk, PUT GOD FIRST, START LOVING YOURSELF, GET EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY BY LETTING THE HOLY SPIRIT COME IN YOUR HEART, DELIVER YOU, CLEANSE YOU. CALL OUT TO FATHER GOD RIGHT NOW. TELL HIM YOU ARE SICK OF THIS, YOU ARE READY TO THROW DOWN THE IDOLS YOU HAVE BUILT UP IN YOUR LIFE OF HAVING A HUSBAND AND THE IDOL OF MISERY YOU HAVE SUCCUMBED TOO! LET GOD TRULY BE THE LORD OF YOUR LIFE, BECOME A RUTH, A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN, STAND STRONG, BE BOLD IN THE NAME OF JESUS, TEAR DOWN EVERY IDOL YOU HAVE BUILT IN YOUR LIFE THAT BLOCKS THE LORD FROM GETTING IN. DO IT AND DO IT NOW! GET ON THE ROAD TO BEING WHOLE, TALK TO GOD, ASK HIM TO FILL YOU WITH HIS JOY, PEACE, LOVE,COMFORT AS YOU GROW IN HIS WAYS TO BECOME THE WOMAN HE CREATED YOU TO BE. FORGET ABOUT THE PAST AND WHAT EVERYBODY DID TO YOU, THAT IS OLD NEWS. WALK INTO YOUR NEW FUTURE, LET THE LORD RENEW YOUR MIND AND SET YOU FREE, BECAUSE WE CAN DO, BECOME ALL THINGS BECAUSE JESUS STRENGTHENS US! SOMEBODY SAY HALLELUJAH! WHATEVER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE IS, IT AINT TO LATE! MOVE FORWARD GET YOURSELF RIGHT BEFORE THE LORD, HE IS COMING BACK SOON, AND YOU DONT WANT TO BE ALL JACKED UP, A HOT MESS WHEN HE ARRIVES! FATHER THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORD, I BLESS YOU LORD AND PRAISE AND THANK YOU FOR EVERY LADY IN THIS GROUP AND FOR ALL THE WORK YOU ARE GOING TO DO IN US TO MAKE US YOUR BRIDE, YOUR LOYAL AND FAITHFUL SERVANTS. LET THE CHAINS BE BROKEN AND THE HEALING BEGIN IN JESUS NAME..AMEN! Michael Supremacy Pusha Women always remember that you are smart enough and beautiful enough to never be taken for granted and to never be anyones second best..If youre not his first then theres no need for you to be his second.-100-https://facebook/MyBoaz
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:40:54 +0000

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