Hey Nova Scotians and everyone else: Tell the government to get - TopicsExpress


Hey Nova Scotians and everyone else: Tell the government to get their hands off your turkeys!! I feel its a slippery slope Keith Colwell has you on. This is a copy of the email I just sent to Premier Stephen MacNeil, the Turkey Farmers of Nova Scotia and both the Canadian and Nova Scotian Ministers of Agriculture. Do the same, collectively we may be able to do something about this: Dear Mr. McNeil, Mr. Colwell and the Turkey Farmers of Nova Scotia, My sentiments regarding the actions of Mr. Colwell and the Nova Scotia Turkey Producers Marketing Board against the provinces small scale farmers are extremely negative. Citing food safety as the concern when shutting down processors who have been practising their craft for more than thirty years is absolutely laughable. If food safety is actually your concern you should be turning your eye to factory farms and the frequent and frightening recalls they have for everything from glass fragments to e. coli. In a time where we are more educated and have access to more information than ever before, I find your actions especially heinous. Buy Local is a movement attempting to breath life back into small towns and to promote healthy living and eating. Buying local supports the farms and the people of our communities. It provides access to food that hasnt been pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. It keeps money made by the community in the community thus contributing to the vibrant way of life I knew in Nova Scotia for more than thirty years. An action such as this has the power to completely wipe out a small scale operation. It is not cheap to raise animals in a humane and ethical fashion, thats part of why we are willing to pay more for meat and local products. You are literally taking food off the table and money out of the bank for people who have invested so much to raise these birds and provide a service thats been available for decades. People who are trying to make life in Nova Scotia work instead of heading westward to a reliable pay cheque. Stripping them of a way to have their livestock processed is stripping them of their livelihood. I moved out of Nova Scotia in June. I have a local, humane turkey coming to me on Friday night that I can cook and feed my family with knowing where it came from, who raised it and what it ate if I care to ask the farmer. For this I am thankful. If I was in Nova Scotia, there would be no turkey on my table this Thanksgiving. I encourage you to reconsider your actions which benefit no one but big business in terms of factory farms and chain grocery stores. I encourage you to do this before Christmas as the upset over this is only going to gain momentum as people see the effect its having on farmers in their community. Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and concerns. I will be forwarding this letter to the Canadian Minister of Agriculture as well. Supporting local farmers as often as I am able, Erin Mackay
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:07:05 +0000

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