Hey Patriots! Just a heads up- I believe Arlan (Medicaid Expansion - TopicsExpress


Hey Patriots! Just a heads up- I believe Arlan (Medicaid Expansion Reconsider) Meekhof is launching a letter to all 168 RNC members to call for Agemas resignation tomorrow from the state senate. He will be behind the scenes using others to do it. We need to move fast. We need to stand with Dave Agema. Here is the letter Im sending out to State and National figures that I hope will help defend a great Christian Conservative Republican! The soul of the Michigan Republican Party is in pathetic straits these days. So corrupt. So progressive. Its despicable. However, there are a few Beacons of Freedom that give the Grassroots hope. One is our National Committeeman Dave Agema. Ever since we unseated Saul Anuzis, (the vote was 70% for Agema btw), the attacks on Mr. Agema have been like clockwork for each Mi-GOP State Convention and Mi-GOP State Committee meeting. Here is what I have written about it on blogs and as comments to Letters to the Editor in various online news articles: Regarding the calls for the resignation of the Michigan GOP National Committeeman... NO RESIGNATION. ABSOLUTELY NOT. The reason the RINOs in the party attack Mr. Agema is precisely because he conveys the conservative message well. God Family Country. You can set your calendar by the deceitful critics .... they crawl out of their cesspools always a few weeks before the MiGOP conventions and state committee meetings. Every single one of their attacks on him are based on lies, damnable lies... twisting of the truth and throwing out wild misconceptions. Does the truth matter? It is obvious what is happening. There are a few Progressives who have taken the low road to try to silence, demonize, bully, intimidate and alienate Platform Republicans. We shouldnt stand for it. We shouldnt bow it. We are on the right side of history. What does it mean to be a Republican? An incredible gift has been given to us by those who have gone before; a great Republic founded in the principles of Judeo-Christian values ... Liberty. The Republican Platform 2012 is amazing! From the Preamble*: *The principles written in the Constitution are secured by the character of the American people. President George Washington said in his first inaugural address: The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained. Values matter. Character counts. The GOP has been charged with the care and nurturing of the Republic. The Democrats have chosen the low road of selfishness, Godlessness, tyranny and ruin. So it is up to us ... and sadly, a fork in the road faces us. What we do now will decide if we, as a party, are worthy of our gift. So we must ask ourselves this: Are we going to veer from our virtuous path because of the hysterics, cries and lies of a few loud mouthed shady malcontents? Do we not know that they will continue their dangerous and childish attacks on all virtues of our Party/our nation until there is nothing left? Do we slay part of our soul just to calm the waters? *Providence has put us at the fork in the road, and we must answer the question: If not us, who? If not now, when? Every last one of us knows that our National Committeeman is a great man of service, honor and character. Not one soul could make the case before God that our National Committeeman is a bigot or racist or hater. Every last one of us knows the Commandment You shall not bear false witness. It is time to do what is right and just. The truth does indeed matter! Please join me in supporting our extraordinary, honorable and brave National Committeeman Dave Agema. (and to the Saul supporters... its time to get over the loss and stop your hissy-fit) and this: Have you happened to have noticed that most of the attacks against the conservative Michigan Republican National Committeeman are coming from Republicans? BY FAR. And, have you noticed that the timing of these barrages are ALWAYS just a few weeks before the Michigan-GOP state conventions and sometimes before Michigan-GOP State Committee meetings? And have you noticed that its always the same players doing the attacking? And, have you noticed how orchestrated the attacks are... as complex and ever timed... as a symphony? Blogs, letters to the editor, twitter, and FB. Like dominos. And, have you noticed ... its establishment Republicans (RINOs) who absolutely DESPISE conservatives the most? Its time you connect the dots. Have the courage to see the truth. and this: The struggle for the soul within the GOP (at the National and at the State levels) is OBVIOUS: The Statesmen v. the Crony RINO Statists. Pick a side. Anything you can do to help defend this man and his position would be greatly appreciated. Time is of the essence. The attacks are unprecedented. Respectfully yours and In Liberty! Isabelle Elise Terry Republican Precinct Delegate and State Committee Member Mi-GOP
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:32:24 +0000

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