Hey Peeps..... If you plan on reading this I need you to read - TopicsExpress


Hey Peeps..... If you plan on reading this I need you to read CAREFULLY. I totally love sharing with you the things in my heart and mind. Please Be Aware... I am not writing any of this to seek pity or to have anyone feel sorry for me, but I do write it to encourage those who are going through a similar situation I did. There was a time in my life that I was on top of the world. God graced me with above average intelligence, the ability to memorize and play back music like a recorder, have a photographic memory of the things that I read and seen. I learned a couple of languages along the way and learned to play a couple of instruments. I was self taught in Auto Repair, Video and Music Production and I carried a tune pretty well. I was well versed in the Bible, I preached with passion and eloquence. I Loved speaking in front of crowds and I relished in the fact that I had a knack for reaching people and help them change their lives. Oh Boy, how life changed. The man that I am today is much different than the man I once was. Why? I will explain to you now. It takes a very long time for me to focus on writing these blogs. On most days I cannot remember if I take my medications and I easily get lost when Susan and I are out in public, thus the reason I no longer have a license and dont drive. Crowds and too much ambient noise overwhelm my brain. I dont retain much of what I learn and My Cognitive and Mental Processing is slow. Many of my Facebook Friends and Family have not seen me face to face in a long time because I have difficulty carrying on an intelligent conversation. It is very awkward for me and make me seem unsociable. Once again I REPEAT... Dont feel sorry and I do not want pity. For the past year or so I have been down because I was too busy dwelling on my physical and mental limitations. Sad over the things I couldnt do, rather than focusing on the things that I could do. So, I totally stopped doing the Webcasts. I was limiting my music and my singing to my recording studio and I have not preached in public in quite a while. I allowed the devil to whisper in my ear and tell me how useless I was. How expired and out of date I was. How I could never be used by God ever again and help change peoples lives for the better. It was all a slew of lies and deceit and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Today, that is no longer the case. Through the prayers, the love and the patience of my amazing wife Susan E. Bermudez, God has opened my eyes to different perspectives and possibilities. Through this I am learning that God uses simple people. I dont need to be a biblical scholar to share Gods Love and Message with others. I dont need to play like Billy Joel or sing like Andrea Bocelli to wow the crowd; for it is God that touches the heart through song, not me. I am looking at myself as a simple instrument of God much like the young man that gave the loaves and the fishes to Jesus that fed the multitude. I Cannot and will not take credit for any way God chooses to glorify Himself through my service. With humility and simplicity I will offer all that I have in service to my God and my fellow man. So my Peeps, isnt it time to stop listening to those voices that are keeping you away from God and others. There are people out there waiting to be blessed by you and they are being deprived of you. Christ gives me the strength to face anything. (Philippians 4:13) But he replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am. (2 Corinthians 12:9) I dont know about you, but I am done with that mess. No More Excuses!!! I Love You ALL... Have an Amazing Wednesday!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 17:27:21 +0000

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