Hey Ppl Im taking some time out to tell u about the God,we all was - TopicsExpress


Hey Ppl Im taking some time out to tell u about the God,we all was created for a purpose:), just as everything on earth has a purpose.Genesis1:1 says in the begging God created the heaven and the earth.what comes to mind?? *in the beginning there was eternity,God was outside of eternity. *heaven and earth did not exist before eternity but had a begging. *it did not happen by chance but was created by God, * this verse is a declaration of the sovernity and power of God.The earth is as old as creation (heaven and earth). Vs2:And the earth was without form and void. Not CREATION but after creation.Any thing God creates is beautiful and wonderfully made. *The void and formless state was not created.In Hebrew the verb Baara is used.It literally means to cut,or new).It always mean to create and is ONLY APPLIED to a DIVINE CREATION. It was also used for the creation of man.( cut out from dust)vs27. So the verb Barra seem to suggest that the world was cut with material beauty and order. * Implying that something happened that plunged in into a state of chaos, disorder and desolation.What do you think happened to cause chaos disorder and desolation?????? *Hence without form and void.The Hebrew words are tohuw and bohuw. Continuing on Genesis 1:2 And darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. The word deep in Hebrew is tahowm means to roar, to rage, it denotes the roaring and raging of waves(psalms 42:7) *so the earth was still like a chaotic mass in which the firment were still undistinguished,unformed and as it was unborn. *And this deep was wrapped in darkness. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. *God seemed to have some interest in the earth. * The word for sprit in this context in Hebrew is ruwach which denotes wind and spirit. *It is the creative Spirit of God which walked upon the lifeless mass quickening and preparing the lifeless mass to fill them by his breath. *So God breathed into the nostrils of man,a lifeless mass. *The breath which we breathe out is air,it is contained in the atmosphere,it cannot give life,it can only sustain life. *God on the other hand gives life(eternal life) but because of sin man is regenerated.Man has two natures physical and spiritual ONLY THE SPIRIT OF GOD can fill the void of the spirit. *Genesis 1:3 And God said let there be light,and there was light. PLZ NOTE in Genesis 1:3 speaks of the 1st light and Genesis 1:16 speaks of the second light. The Light was the 1st thing called forth by His divine words. *this word light was not the light from the sun,or bodies of light, it was light that proceeds from an atmosphere that so rounds it. *Light was the 1st thing seperated and called forth from the dark chaos by the creator let there be light *it is the fundamental condition of all organic life in the world, and without light and warmth which flows,no plant,animal or human can thrive. I really hope I brought some clarity to some of you out there:) The lord Jesus has presented himself as the door of salvation, he said I am the door :by me if any man enter he shall be saved,and shall go in and out,and find pasture John10:9.Let us consider every word of the statement I am the door. The personal pronoun I refers to the lord Jesus Christ.When he says I am the door he excludes everything and every 1.he excludes the church although the church is a divine instruction,it is not the door.the pastor although able to point his hearers to the is not the door.the ordinances although given by the lord is not the door good works although enjoyed upon believers are NOT the door...the LORD himself is the door.he said no man commeth onto the Father but by me John14:16 Acts 4:12. The word am deserves serious consideration.he did not say he was the door!! As though it were something of the past.it didnt say I will be the door.as though it was something that would only be true of him in the future.he said I am the door. He is the door in the present, right now.Thats why we are invited to to come now and enter now.We are assured that now is the accepted time; behold,now is the day of salvation.2Chorintians 6:2.the lord Jesus did not say I am a door.as as tough there were many doors.all roads may not lead to London or Rome but all doors do not lead to heaven.the lord Jesus is not one out of many doors but he is the only door.Matthew 17:8. The word DOOR is appealing in its simplicity and suggestiveness.We all know what a door is and what its for. A door is an entrance ,a portal a means of access.the Lord Jesus is the entrance to salvation, to peace, to eternal life,to divine glory to heaven and home.Jesus died on a cross for our sins that he might bring us to God.1peter3:18,Ephesians 1:7, 1chorintians 15:29.Now notice the simplicity of Gods way of salvationBy me if any man enter he shall be saved not by law not by works not by character not by conduct not by money but by ME Says the lord Jesus. The door is wide open!!You have an invitation to enter.when u enter you are among the flock of the Shepherd, and you may go in and out among his sheep and find pasture.In Christ u are a new creation; then the ordinances should be observed,then good works should be diligently men trained,then you should honour the Lord with your substance then your conduct should reveal the fact of your salvation.God bless u all:)
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:16:36 +0000

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