Hey Randall, Just wanted to make sure you saw Vanessas - TopicsExpress


Hey Randall, Just wanted to make sure you saw Vanessas email about last weeks TERRIBLE Supreme Court ruling that essentially gives billionaires like the Koch brothers the green light to pump their dirty energy dollars into every single climate change deniers election campaign. Fortunately, there are bills that have already been introduced in Congress that could combat this decision and make sure that elections can be influenced by millions of Americans, not just a few big donors. But we have to speak out now if we want to pass them. Tell Congress to fight back against the Supreme Courts ruling and pass fair election laws! Send Congress a message here: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=blX7tCPu6HTpe9_ogKyqxg We cannot afford to sit idly by while billionaire polluters stack Congress in their favor. So thank you for taking action today. Best, Vinnie Wishrad, Senior Vice President for Membership & Online Engagement --------------------------------------- The Supreme Court just ruled to give Big Oil billionaires even more power to influence our elections. Send an urgent message to make sure Congress fights back now: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=vnfaBVsUNv1g_fxnNytvbg Randall, BREAKING: Supreme Court opens floodgates on campaign contributions. This could be a disaster for our democracy -- if this stands, the Koch brothers can send dirty energy dollars directly to every race in the country. Tell Congress: Pass a fair election law and curb the flow of big money into our elections: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=wi2eHkGPLkuDt71Y_ChAww The Supreme Court just made a huge decision -- one were dubbing Citizens United 2. Today, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to eliminate limits on how much money individuals can give, in total, to federal candidates every election cycle. This basically opens the floodgates for billionaires like the Koch brothers to send their dirty energy dollars directly to candidates in every single race around the country. We have to fight back NOW. Tell Congress to fight the Supreme Courts new ruling and curb the flow of big money in our elections! action.lcv.org/site/R?i=xN4GTetMjVOmBc2YTx5kAA With Citizens United, corporations got the ability to spend an unlimited amount of money on independent electoral ads. But until now, our election laws have drawn a line when it comes to giving money directly to candidates. Even if you have millions to spare, our laws said that you could only give a total overall amount of $123,200 to federal candidates, political parties and PACs during the 2014 election cycle. Now it may be laughable for many of us to think of ever giving more than $123,200 during a single election cycle. But to the Koch brothers, thats chump change. They probably have that in their wallets right now. In todays ruling on McCutcheon v. FEC, the Supreme Court came in on the side of a coal industry executive, Shaun McCutcheon, who wanted to undo our campaign finance laws so he could spend even more money electing pro-polluter candidates. By doing so, our highest court has sent a message to every dirty energy millionaire and billionaire out there that its time to go on a spending spree. And the only way we can stop them is if Congress passes fair election laws now. Fight back now: Tell Congress to pass fair election laws before the Supreme Courts ruling can wreak havoc on our democracy! Send Congress a message: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=Bzp9kDMyicrV3DEhCeXCXA Luckily, there are already bills that have been introduced in Congress to help fix the problem the Supreme Court has created -- the Government By the People Act and the Fair Elections Now Act. If passed, these laws would boost the influence of small donors and help millions more Americans -- rather than just a few big donors -- play a central role in determining who runs for Congress, who wins elections, and what issues make it onto the agenda in Washington. But if we want them to pass these bills quickly to counter this horrible Supreme Court decision, we have to act fast. So please join me in sending a message to your members of Congress now. Thanks, Vanessa Vanessa Kritzer Director of Digital Strategy League of Conservation Voters Update Your Profile: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=L81jT2C3ajjn9l9ICsE9Cg To Unsubscribe Click Here: action.lcv.org/site/CO?i=Sq9WcIKxOoipCnUccbMf2x-eTJfDfaoy&cid=0 1920 L Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 202-785-8683 Donate: action.lcv.org/site/R?i=46OEXmg2DB3NgIVxDYkRUA
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:57:22 +0000

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