Hey Tea Party! Do you know these guys? You should, they sure - TopicsExpress


Hey Tea Party! Do you know these guys? You should, they sure know you! Meet Charles and David Koch, Multi BILLIONAIRES!! Yes thats right, BILLIONAIRES with a B No, They did not make there fortune from Coke A Cola!! They are the ones who are wholesaling buying off YOUR Republican Senators. and selling you down the river. They are the ones that are behind the laws that are making your life a living hell. They are the ones behind laws that Deny you your right to Vote! They are the ones fighting to get rid of the Minimum wage, so that they can pay you the same rate as impoverished slave labor in countries like China. Ohh, and no health care for you Teatard, oh no!! They are very active in denying you your right to assemble, so they can pay you poverty wages. And they sit back in their billion dollar mansions, sipping the finest drinks the world has to offer, or take a little cruise in their multi billion dollar yachts, all the while they sit back, and laugh at all you Tea Party Idiots, they toast each other as to how well they are stealing your wealth right out from under you! And you thought the Tea Party was a grass roots organization that rose to power on its own? . . . Silly Teatard, when will you see that they have been playing you for years! Wake up and smell the OIL! What a bunch of loosers you are! Charles and David Koch know that your loosers, hell they are actually betting on your failure! Come on, get to know you Masters, get to know them real well, I guarantee you will NOT like what you find!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:30:51 +0000

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