Hey Viv. Alright. Its been 2.5 months now. So, lets talk. I - TopicsExpress


Hey Viv. Alright. Its been 2.5 months now. So, lets talk. I dont know how long there is left, but its 2.5 months and theres been nothing substantial - and I define substantial by something beyond vague updates have happened that Flash/Myrddin are working on it. Thats great, but we all know how wotmud time works. Heck, I was expecting that itd be up within a week or maybe a few weeks initially, but I certainly wasnt expecting it to be 2.5 months already and nothing even close to a definite date, much less a definite date when we have something like our old mud. At best Im hoping for whatever wotmud classic is to be up shortly, and I dont even think thats realistic. But I know what the response has been every time and what it still is: be patient, Myrddin and Flash are working on it, were trying to make this awesome for you guys. Look, thats great. I could try to explain the frustration and the fact that 2.5 months for a game a lot of played near-daily is a lot, that at this point most of us have found other ways to pass the time, and that wotmud now has to compete with whatever weve picked up in the meantime. I dont even know if well have a playerbase when we come back up, whenever that is. And the daily things, while great, are looking desperate. Playing the whats your favorite XYZ game is only fun for so long. But instead, Im going to be a little more constructive, because I know what kind of response happens when people say things like that. There are a lot of people checking in, only finding the facebook group after checking the game and the website. Please, put something up there. Some way for people that were not around when it went down to find the wotmud twitter, facebook group, whatever. Because however many people found us on this platform after the obvious ones didnt have anything about why it was down (after 20 years, so theres a plausible reason too), Id bet there are lots more that were quite happy to check the site and the game but werent going to go the distance and check every social media platform too.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:02:17 +0000

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