Hey Yall! Im doing a FaceBook Hop with some friends. My Seymour - TopicsExpress


Hey Yall! Im doing a FaceBook Hop with some friends. My Seymour Agency Sibling Jennifer Beckstrand, author of the Huckleberry Hill novels - wonderful Amish romances full of fun since she enjoys making her readers laugh and fall in love! Youll find her answers to 4 writing questions on her Facebook page. So, Im supposed to answer the following same four questions then send my readers on to Holly Michaels FaceBook page. Shell be posting next Monday! 1) What am I working on? I’m working on book four of my Texas Romances, 1800s series SINS OF THE MOTHERS. My work-in-progress is the first of the series where the majority of the story takes place outside Texas when young Mary Buckmeyer marries and flees with her new husband to California. Though born in Long Beach, California, I was in Texas for my first birthday and have always considered myself a Texan! Still, when the Beach Boys sang ‘I Wish They All Could be California Girls’ when I was but a teen, I proudly declared my birth state :) 2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? It’s seems difficult to compare my stories to others in my genre. I guess the setting being Tejas, then the Republic of Texas, then the State of Texas makes it different from many historical romances. My characters don’t all have it so easy, they work long and hard and test their unction against nemesis that aren’t always men, but nature. My time period, 1832-1853 so far, when living in Texas hurled troubles at settlers most different from the Eastern Seaboard of America and across the ocean in England and the European countries. I hope my characters will become friends of my readers and keep them interested enough to read all in the series, as well as encourage them to read other novels and novellas I’ve written to make new friends! I believe most all Christian authors desire to honor the Lord and advance His Kingdom with their stories, but if they don’t, then that would be a difference, too. I try never to be preachy or judgmental, but tell life the way it is and work in—through the faith of my characters—scriptural principals that the Holy Spirit will use to convict readers and draw them into a closer relationship with the Father through His Son. 3) Why do I write what I do? I believe most all Christian authors desire to honor the Lord and advance His Kingdom with their stories. In my writing, I try never to be preachy or judgmental, but tell life the way it is. I’ve been called bold and am not ashamed of my God or His Good News. I try to work in—through the faith of my characters—scriptural principals that the Holy Spirit will use to convict readers and draw them into a closer relationship with the Father through His Son. I write what I do because I believe it is God’s will for my life. 4) How does my writing process work? I’ve come to know my characters, and so just write to tell their stories, their life experiences, the tragedies and ecstasies. I usually spend most my early moring hours on the computer and then my late night hours back at the computer again. That would be when the boys are off to school, and after they retire for the night! O’Pa and I have had four grandsons for eleven years. This year, our household lost the two oldest—one to graduation, Matthew’s off to college, and the other to his maternal grandparents. That granddad fell and broke his hip and Gregory asked if he could go to live with them to be a help. So we still have Christian, a fourteen-year-old and eleven-year-old Benjamen. Since my husband is also a writer, he makes sure my heroes are strong and manly. I’m so blessed that God made me in my mother’s womb to be his wife. He is, to me, the epitome of Christ on earth and shows me daily the example of God’s love for His bride. The fact that he writes, too, means he understands the time I spend at the computer – not only writing, but on marketing, too. That’s a huge part of a writers’ ‘job’ if they are to be successful. God always opens doors and blesses me beyond comprehension. From here, I will introduce you to the next hop on this BlogHop who would be a dear friend of mine, Holly Michael. I met her just last year at ACFW but believe our coming together was in God’s divine plan. Holly is published in various magazines, newspapers, and in Guideposts books, and CROOKED LINES, a 2012 ABNA quarterfinalist, is her debut novel, August 2014. She has her second novel, a 2014 Genesis semifinalist, I’LL BE SEEING YOU coming soon, and also is co-authoring a devotional with her NFL tight end son, Jake. She and her husband, Anglican Bishop Leo Michael, regularly travel from their home in Kansas City to India, and she loves watching her sons play football—Jake (NFL) and Nick (Rajin’ Cajuns)—and visits from her daughter, Betsy. About CROOKED LINES: On the shores of Lake Michigan, Rebecca Meyer seeks escape. Guilt-ridden over her little sister’s death, she sets her sights on India, a symbol of peace. Across the ocean in South India, Sagai Raj leaves his tranquil hill station home and impoverished family to answer a higher calling. Pushing through diverse and challenging cultural and religious milieus, he presses toward his goals, while wrong turns and bad choices block Rebecca from hers. On similar paths midst twists and turns, and bridged across oceans through a kindly priest, the two desire peace and God’s perfect will. But vows and blind obedience at all costs must be weighed…and buried memories, unearthed. A review: Crooked Lines, a beautifully crafted debut novel, threads the lives of two determined souls from different continents and cultures. Compelling characters struggle with spirituality through despair and deceptions in search of truth. This week CROOKED LINES went to # 1 Best Seller Status on Amazon Kindle! Heres the link to get your copy! The Kindle ebook is still on special sale price $1.99, so hurry!! amazon/Crooked-Lines-Holly-Michael-ebook/dp/B00LZXDTLS
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:49:20 +0000

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