Hey Yall You know, there are times when the enemy will use - TopicsExpress


Hey Yall You know, there are times when the enemy will use whatever he can against us. We are feeling creatures, yet we are saved by Faith, not by feelings. Sometimes you (and me) feel like the Lord has brought us here to Redeemed, but you feel no connection to Him like you see others on the board have. If that is so, that is absolutely the enemy using feelings against you. I thought about this, as I have said before, I am going through a rough time myself. As I did, God gave me something to share for others, as much as for me, as we all need reminding sometimes. (and, did you ever think that getting saved and coming into a relationship with Jesus is sort of reminding? We come to Him with minds filled with sin, and hopelessness, and leave with minds re-minded by the Holy Spirit. If you would, take your Bible and read Nehemiah 1:9. At the time of Nehemiah, Israel had just returned from the captivity, Jerusalem was a mess, but the people were sitting around feeling sorry for themselves, as if they did not belong because God let this happen. Then, look at Hosea 2: 14-15: God is speaking to both the wife of Hosea, Gomer, and to the Nation of Israel, HIS People, who have gone off into worshiping a false god called baal. Note in line 2 of verse 14- the wilderness...we think of that as out in the woods somewhere on the great plains or something. I believe that is what you are feeling right now, is YOUR wilderness. Now, the question arises, why would God let you get that way? Or, bring you to that place like in this Scripture? Back up a few words: see the word allure? Here, that means to love gently. God loves us so much, that He will bring us into the wilderness where there is nothing, no hope, no joy, no anything but worry and concern, so we can HEAR ONLY HIM. Proof of that, is you may be seeking answers for something you sense, rather than something you do not understand. Finally: in that same passage, it says that He will speak comfort to her heart. Again, both to Gomer and Israel the Nation. You need some comfort to replace that going in 14 directions trying to figure this out thing that you are going through right now. That comfort is found in the Scripture. Lastly, look at Hosea 14: the title of that chapter is Gods Promise to Restore Israel. Lets change that to Gods Promise to Restore- (put YOUR name in here) . Look at verse 1 and 2: our sin makes us stumble, we know that. What can we do to remove that stumbling and get back to the relationship we want with God? (and that He wants with us) Nothing other than bring Him ourselves through simply talking to Him, and asking Him. Says so right there in Verse 2. The Sacrifice from us that God wants is not anything material, interaction with others, or anything else: it is simply US. Psalm 51, King David speaking to God says this: v.16: For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. v.17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise. The broken spirit here is not a downtrodden, wraith of a person, but rather a spirit who has come to realize that without God, there is nothing. When we come to Him like this says, God will keep the promise of Hosea 14:4-7. Now, perhaps, you can rest easy, and find some peace, thanks be to God.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:39:30 +0000

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