Hey all - thanx for the birthday wishes Am doing well enough here - TopicsExpress


Hey all - thanx for the birthday wishes Am doing well enough here in the shuswap highlands lol busy building - and wow is it hot these days - but here it cools very well at night For those who observe my posts here - I understand that maybe the most will find - hmmn - things off the wall However - I am on a path - the search for the real meaning s - the real truth And - well in the last 12 months I have come across several books - and really had to to some personal recovery work too These things all add up to a whole lot of answers - that sort out a lot of confusions and point at the real meanings of life and luv - As well the world as the most can see is on the brink of breakdown - the environment is threatened big time - the political religious world has been about 3 seconds from nuclear war - and other means of mass destruction - intensely so since 2010 - though mainstream media doesnt bring these to your attention - as the majority of media is owned by a few entities that - hmmn - hide truths The mayan calender end point of dec 21 of 2012 - was not the end of the world - but is a pivotal date - with extremely important ramifications The actual Shift is still underway - the Mayan calendar - so called is a portion of a greater calendar - a period of about 26000 years - which is the procession this period of procession divides into 12 segments - periods of the zodiac We entered the age of Aquarius - estimated in about late 2011 The ancients - the roots of all the holy books - each in there own ways refer to this NOW period of time - the bible - end days and the new heavens and new earth the eastern religions refer to a golden age So There is very much data on this period of time re ancient knowledge and everyday manuscripts of religious order ------------ The new discoveries in many areas of science - substantiate a number of things that blow many theories - that we were taught in school Suffice it to say - that a reasoning mind looks into understandings / discoveries over the last 10 - 15 years - hmmn - you will maybe come to the conclusion that all we thought / were taught is in need of reevaluation Substantial - to my line of projection - are things such as the space/time and time/space dimensions - which allows for unification theory to work - and lends credence to how matter and light manifest - energy sources that we may well have heard of such as free energy - and more importantly - the metaphysics behind ET travel and hmmn - and on into the mystical and magical that may well be more real than expected In Eisteins theory - there was missing matter - no one ever told us that upwards of 96% of the matter was missing in the theory When one starts to understand the world from the spiritual journey perspective - then one begins to see - that beyond this universe are many others - and still much more is involved in Reality The important Thrust - direction I am working on is That there is a vaste change / evolution of consciousness going on for Us earthlings It is a very good time to take a look at all things - that amount to your belief structure - and also a good time to look at your true senses and feelings This world as we understand it - generally speaking is not at all the way things really are - We have been led to believe in a number of important things - so that we do not grasp the TRUTH - the real REALITY So that an elite few can dominate us - herd us The New World Order was the structure that just about came into effect - which was the total erosion of freewill - freedom - democracy True free trade etc etc That which I think of as the CABAL - a group of elite - that in fact manipulated all governments towards the ultimate Controlled State - a group of people who via dynasties and centuries of economic power etc as well as hidden ancient knowledge - and subversion of all that was not hidden - worked hard for eons - generations to weave a web of control Control for self ish purposes - negative for - hmmn even all things These people - need to be overcome - forgiven - and go there separate way In other words - take back your personal power - restore your truths - and forgive them - no anger - no fear - no negative thoughts - for the negative thoughts we have reduce our personal power and hmmn they gain personal power from us Send them love - it is good for you to do so it is the positive method to great and wonderful changes Changes you can have - see - be a part of personal healings hmmn well beyond present comprehension ( likely) This is a movement A development That you via your free will can be a part of This is an evolution - a very significant evolution - whereby you via your personal work can also be part of It will take you to heighten awareness es and you can and will grow - toward the new density The Fourth Density We are in the third density - most of us anyway - animals - trees are exaples of second density ETs are fourth density beings Sentinent beings - that can project informatons - help you ( though you must ask - use your free will and seek ) can be 4th - 6th density These too may then manifest as ETs but generally do not do so due to Factors of the LAW of ONE Hmmn - the law of one in quick summery - the law of one - is the law of love - of service to others - others being all things manifest - each other and the planet - etc - wereby we cease the destruction of self others and all living things - and journey forward on a evolving conscious level - spiraling upward to greater comprehensions and better - life and lifestyles - each on personal work and merrit s there of A True democracy - so to speak And where the lies and deceit can not exist - for such can be seen / sensed The Earth - mommy nature is working a healing millions of humans are on a path of healing too And thus is the new earth the golden age the age of AQUARIUS the world as we know it is passing away the system of things does not work for most all living things The path - look inside open up your heart and mind to that which - hmmn you in fact already know - It is there - just been lost And persevere through the truth of yourself love yourself - forgive yourself Thus you will love and forgive others truly - for we all are here abouts on the same level of the journey And climb the spiral stairway to the greater beyond And thus you will come to see the truth of metaphysical power the way to manifest your true hearts desires and truly join together as a race of beings joining many that are already there about LOVE and LITE truly warren
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:54:48 +0000

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