Hey, all. I am requesting prayer. My auto accident was Aug. 22nd. - TopicsExpress


Hey, all. I am requesting prayer. My auto accident was Aug. 22nd. To date, the other ins. co. has not yet even come to look at my vehicle. they have not done anything except tell me they are waiting for the police case report to arrive. I have continued on, but I have anxiety that is over the charts, and I am having difficulty concentrating and keeping on task. I am trying to learn a very responsible temp job and I am driving a rental car that is too big and too wide. My right side is still sore and my vision is worse since the accident, as is the pain in my right foot and both hands and wrists. Since I started physical therapy and massage treatments, I am now experiencing dizziness whenever I turn my head and try and focus my eyes on something at the same time - like sorting mail into mail slots at work. I am also experiencing numbness and pins and needles in my hands when I drive and even now while typing. I have reported all these symptoms to the health practitioners and have been told this is typical, and that sometimes these things show up after treatment and can mean other injuries are present that didnt surface before. I am actually getting worried about it. As much as I know God loves me and works ALL things together for the good for those that love Him and are the called according to His plan, I guess I still have some trust issues. This is annoying and worrisome and just plain stressful. I missed a bridal shower and a wedding because of this accident, and I cant afford a new car! I know Gods timing is perfect, but I am sure ready for this to be over! And I WANT IT DECIDED IN MY FAVOR!!! I know Im whining and being selfish and shouldnt be, and I know Gods timing is PERFECT, but I am so wanting this to be over and my health to be restored! PLEASE pray for healing. Thank you so much for praying, and for letting me vent and reading it. Love you all very much. God Bless us, every one!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:23:54 +0000

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